Spawning My Pandas


Jun 3, 2005
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As some of you guys noe, i have a lot of pandas, I have this female who is ready to explode any time with eggs of course :) .Im going to create a spawing set up using

2Gal Tank

1xBig Java Fern
2xWool Spawning Mops
White Sand

Is that okay?Cause its onli a trio and they are around 4cm each onli.

I was thinking of conditioning them with frozen brine shrimp, mysis or blood worms, which is much better??

Another thing, Most likely, where would be pandas lay their eggs at, tank wall, plant or spawning mop??

Sry if i ask too many Q at once,When eggs are laid,can i just remove they trio and leave the eggs inside with some melafix or something instead of a breeding trap??

Thanks in advanced,

Hi raeburter :)

Let me suggest that you get a somewhat larger tank and even add more pandas to your school. That way you can leave the adults in the tank and move the eggs. This is more easily done with their eggs than with some corys. Once they are well established and start spawning, you should see eggs regularly. Since C. pandas will probably give you a few eggs, every few days, instead of a big batch all at once, moving the eggs will allow you to add additional fry to the grow out tank as they appear.

Pandas like to hide their eggs and if you keep the plant and the spawning mops, you will spend a lot o time searching for them. Why not try one of them at a time until you see what they like. I hang several of the metal, hang on the side, thermometers in the tank and the females lay their eggs on the front of them. They are easy to find and to move the eggs. I just take the thermometer out, immediately put it under the water of the hatching tank, roll them off onto my finger first and then stick them on the side of it.

I wouldn't use MelaFix in the hatching tank, but a little methylene blue won't hurt. It's the good water circulation around the eggs that's the most important.

I use a lot of blackworms to condition my corys, and if you can get them, give them a try. If not, frozen bloodworms might be your next best choice. Adult brine shrimp have little nutrition by comparison, so don't bother with them. I've never tried the mysis, and don't recall anyone talking about using them for this purpose.

Good luck! I hope you get lots of little pandas. :D
Thanks for your advice!Do you think leaving the cories inside the tank for 2 weeks would do?Cause judging from the size of the female, she is very ready to lay her egg, so i dun think it would take long for her to spawn..
I just set it uo with 1 Java Fern, 1 spawning mop and a small cave..But some shrimps are inside and diff to get out, will they eat the eggs????
Hi raeburter :)

I don't know if your shrimp will eat the eggs or disturb the fish (some kinds do more than others, I understand.), but it would probably be best to remove them. The corys don't actually need the cave as much as they need some room to swim, IMHO.

It's hard to say when they will spawn. Just because a female is fat means little. The other conditions have to be right too. Then it's just a matter of watching and waiting. :D

What temperature are you keeping them at?

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