my cory list as follows:
C. "green lazer"
C. habrosus
C. burgessi
C. axelrodi
C. similis
C. metae
C. gossei
C. elegans
S. barbatus
C. sterbai
C. davidsandsi
C. weitzmani
C. pygmaeus
C. trilineatus
C. oiapoquensis
C. paleatus
C. nijsseni
C. napoensis
C. sodalis
C. haroldshultzi
C. zygatus
C. rabauti
C. melanotaenia
C. copei
i have had spawns from c. panda, c. axelrodi, c. metae, c. similis, c. burgessi in the mops and a few others i can't think of off the top of my head.
s. barbatus, c. gossei, c. elegans, C. "green lazer" and C112 did not use the mops and spawned on the glass
i also had c. pygmaeus and c. habrosus spawn, but there was no mop present and they just used the javamoss in the tank.