spawning behavoir in four lined pims?


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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I have two four lined pims. One I have had for over a year now and the other I got last month. As soon as I put them together they have been inseperable. I have even witnessed my orginal pim bringing food to their hiding spot in its mouth and spitting it out while the other eats. Now the new pim's belly had grown very fat but other then this it is acting normol. There are no signs of diease or stress. My question is is it possiable that I could have ended up with a male and female that might spawn soon? I haven't been successful in finding information of the breeding and behavoir of these guys. Can someone fill me in?

Here's a pic of her.
None of the Pimelodus species have been bred in captivity yet so nothing is known of their breeding habbits. Pimelodus blochii are a schooling species so its likely that they are just glad of each others company, it is highly doubtfull that they will spawn.
But keep and eye on them and provide them as good chances as you can! You never know they might breed...

Alot of fish werent bred in captivity 15 years ago, now we have lots of species bred in home aquariums.


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