Spawning and size difference


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I was thinking of eventually spawning my new giant plakat to my crowntail female, but right now she's so small in comparison to him that he could probably swallow her whole if he liked. He big do you think the female ought to be before I attempt to spawn them? She's sexually mature now (and obviously full of eggs,) but he's pretty aggro and I'm sure he'd beat her to smithereens if I tried it now :/
i'd wait until the female is about half to 3/4 the size of him before trying, they should be relatively the same size, with teh same slightly larger to have good wrappings :)
How old is she? I would wait until she is as large as she's going to get before putting her with a Giant gene Betta. (so I'd say she should be 7 months old plus) Unfortunately she may never get to the size CC suggests if he truely is a Giant Gene Betta. However there have been many spawns between Giant Gene and regular bettas (I'm assuming the female was always the smaller, regular betta), so you may be able to spawn them. But if he's extremely aggressive, I'd be sure I had a very aggressive female as well, so she can protect herself and possibly calm him down a bit. I would also not take my eyes off of them until I was sure she was relatively safe from him devouring her, Lol.

Of course, I've never owned a giant gene betta, so this is just how I think I would handle it.

I don't know how old she is, and neither did the owner of the pet shop where I bought her. I've only had her about a month, and she hasn't grown a whole lot during that time... seems to me she's going to be relatively small even when full grown. The male is about 3.5 inches right now, and he's still pretty young... the pairing might be impossible, lol! I'll wait a few months and see how things turn out. I doubt the male will get over 4 inches, as he's probably not a true giant (which can get 7 inches... God I wish I could find one of those babies!)

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