Spawn Journal


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
Hey, iv been conditioning my betta pair for a week now on blood worms, white worms, and betta bites (with almond leaves in the water). I just put together my small breeding setup and the male was added in about an hour ago, I just added the female in a floating cup so that he can view her. ill release her into the tank in a few hours once the he doesn't seem so hell bent on tearing her up. im doing this spawn in a 1g bucket (with heating), you may be going "waht!?!" but this is the method iv had the most sucess with. i tried spawning another male like 3 times over winter break last year with no success at all. i tried many diferant setups, but until i used the bucket, he wouldn't even blow a nest. i have a 10g redy to go for when the fry hatch and teh amle is removed (this is assumeing there is fry). that will be their home for a while, once they are a bit bigger iv got a 20g im going to use for teh growout tank. im pretty sure iv got everything im going to need, add to the list if u think im wrong:
~birneshrimp eggs
~java moss
~meth blue (for eggs)
~20g tank (no substrate)
~large air stone (for circulation)

if you guys think there is anything else i should be doing, please let me know, all is going well so far and ill be posting pictures as the week progresses :thumbs:
Iv added the female into the tank from her vase. the male chased her around for the longest time before he setteled down under his cup to work on his nest. everything seems to be going as planed :thumbs:

For some reason i wasn't thinking earlier and left the top off the tank, the female jumped out and landed in another bowl while the male was chaseing her, she is fine and back in there again, i dont think she was out of the water for too long -_-

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