Spawn Diary


Fish Crazy
Aug 9, 2005
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Hello everyone! I thought that I would start my spawn diary today so that we can all have something better to think about (rather than poor injured fishes :-( ) Plus I figured that I would end up being so busy when I actually have eggs and babies in my tank that I wouldnt be able to start a nice clean diary haha :/ Soooo...Haha here I am getting ready for my first spawn! And I am so excited! I think I am going crazy :S haha (thats if that hasnt happened already!)

So now I am getting to the point...I wanted to show you guys my spawning tank and see if I have everything to make sure that I am not missing anything and realize it half way through :) (I will upload some pictures tonight of my tank...cuz I know everyone loves pictures :hyper: )

This is what I have got so far: ~10gal tank ~3 live plants ~1 large fake plant ~25-watt heater ~Clear container for the introduction of the female ~ Water Vaccum ~ Vinegar eels, microworms, grindal worms, bs eggs ~ Container for bbs ~ Air pump for bbs

(sorry this is so long :X ) So what do you guys think? Thanks

Edited for picture

My spawn looks a tad different now...all the plants are now secure... :lol:
Kimsoph-Glad you're interested :) Hehe this is my first time so im sure i will have more then enough info posted and questions as well...

~ After I have cycled the tank continuosly for two weeks and I finally got the Ph and everything to the right levels...I finally put Ohglie in the spawn tank tonight...he has already started working diligently on his bubble nest... he knows whats coming :hey:

here are some pictures of his nice little nest

its so cute that he wants to be a daddy :wub:

hes a little monster he built this thing in less than an hour about :alien:

last one until next time.... :clap:

Thanks everyone
I haven't ready anyone else's diary from the beginning--I am looking forward to the installments. Good luck! :nod:
Thanks booboo I am also looking very forward to this whole process!!!! hehe

~ So this morning I woke up (although I never did really got to sleep hehe shhh!) and I turned on the tank light, and little monster Ohglies nest was in one part 20 bubbles high! no joke! I have never seen anything like it before! ( he REALLLY wants to be a daddy!) but then again I havent seen very much in person when it comes to breeding bettas~
Awesome,Lady! Congrats, it seems to be going well so far (getting them to build is often the hardest part) Good luck with your venture!
Woohoo, can't wait for babies! :D
Alright...for tonights update haha...Ohglie has still got his monster of a nest going...but the funniest...most adorable thing happened today...I was feeding him Biogold pellets...and he was eating them like he always does (little oinker) and then one started sinking...there goes Ohglie right down after it...he picked it up in his mouth swam over to his bubble nest plopped it in there then sat there underneath the nest....hehe silly boy I think he kicked into daddy mode! :rofl: :wub:

So being the mommy that I am...I took a picture of it! haha

Can you find the biogold egg?! :rofl:
Yes :lol: Somebody is a little over anxious :lol:

That's really too cute though :wub: What a goofball. I think he knows what's going on.
Splashluff- hehe here are some pictures of the soon to be daddy and mommy :)

~I will probably be introducing mommy (in a glass...seperated) sometime this week...depending on if i feel confident with my cultures or not hehe

Here they are....(sorry if its small) :wub:

and then this is daddy to be...not a good picture ill try again soon
I don't mean to post twice in a row, but I had a question on my cultures... I have 3 cultures in mind...and two started...I have vinegar eels and microworms microworms are doing wonderfully! I am really surprised actually..haha but my vinegar eels or should I say my lack of vinegar eels are what bothers me...i cant find a single one! so my question i really need them or is there something else that I can use to compensate until I can figure out how to get a nice culture going?!

You don't really need vinegar eels, I've never used them personally. You can start the fry on baby brine shrimp from the first day they're free swimming. This way the fry on the bottom eat the microworms (they sink) and the fry who hang out at the surface can find the bbs.

They say vinegar eels swim up like a bbs, I personally wouldn't know. But I do know it takes a ve culture like a month to really get going.
thanks wuv...I have heard a lot of mixed feelings about VE so i decided that id try it for my own opinion but mine never worked...I started mine a while back id say over a im guessing...VE are a no go...

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