Hey guys, the parents siblings will be up for adoption soon. For all you interested keep watching for an adoption thread.
Sorry for hyjacking your thread Ashley.
and Congrats on the tails!
Argh. Our power went out while I was out today.. meaning they were left in total darkness and without a working heater for a while. I think I lost some babies but there's still a good 40 or so I think.
I'm really surprised at how well daddy's doing. He's only 13 or 14 weeks old I think.. still a youngster. He's doing such an awesome job.
Can't wait til these little buggers are free swimming!! I'll try to get some pictures once they get bit bigger.
What are the easiest and safest species of bettas to breed? I really do like CT's, but I want the easiest way possible as i'm just a begginer, and I haven't seen any CT's in my LFS.
What are the easiest and safest species of bettas to breed? I really do like CT's, but I want the easiest way possible as i'm just a begginer, and I haven't seen any CT's in my LFS.
If you like CTs, I say go for it! Aquabid is a good place to start. Personally, I'm not much of a CT fan unless it's a CTPK. Just as long as you don't breed VTs, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding homes for the babies.
Just thought I'd do a little uppy-date.. most of the fry are free-swimming now and have had their first meal of MWs. There was an easy 40-60 or so yesterday but now I'm not so sure. I pulled dad out.. I really hope he didn't help himself to a snack. I only see about 20 left (if even). I'm hoping they're all just hiding behind the plants.
I also got a few pictures:
They're SOOOO tiny!! Holy smokes! (er.. ignore the weird looking things floatin' around. Some stupid ants managed to crawl in the tank and drowned themselves lol)
The fry are 6 days old now. I noticed a lot of the fry like to stay by the surface. I was worried that they wouldn't be getting enough food since the MWs go to the bottom. I gave them some vinegar eels.. it worked like a charm. A bunch of them came out of hiding to get some food.
Gosh, I'm already getting so attached to them. It's gonna be hard letting them go.