Spawn Diary De Oohfeeshy


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Pair selected are Saang and Pao. Pao wasn't the most popular in the blind date, but I really would like some plakats out of this. I'll get a photo of the spawning setup later. Currently it consists of....
6/7g plastic container
-100% full of water (for now)
-A few java ferns, 2 silk plants and a floating ring of plastic cabomba (bubblenest anchor)
-Pao in the main bit
1g floating in it
-2 fake plants
-Saang in it

I'm letting them see each other while I condition them, Pao hasn't bubblenested yet so I thought he'd like a bit more time to get to grips with it. I'm getting some live bloodworm and brine shrimp tomorrow, dunno what else, to condition them with, but I won't condition for a highly long time, last week they had lots of high protein foods too. Release of female, possibly Friday after I come home from school so I can keep an eye on things. Spawn outcome expected- 75% SD, 25% PK, with white bodies all round (red dragoning on males, I'd imagine) and red parts to tails. But who knows what'll turn out...
Good luck, OohF! I know you've been planning this out for quite some time. You responsible girl, you B)
Just a note that when you drop the water level you may notice he makes a nest overnight. The low, puddble water level can stimulate spawning activity, infact I have had several males that will only blow bubbles in shallows.
Just a note that when you drop the water level you may notice he makes a nest overnight. The low, puddble water level can stimulate spawning activity, infact I have had several males that will only blow bubbles in shallows.

Yeah, I thought I'd leave it at the maximum while I'm conditioning to dilute the wate a bit more, I've got lots of homework I'm meant to be doing this week along with drama-y stuff, so don't have time for lots of water changes when theres no real need to. He's started trying to bubblenest, now he's got a bigger platform it should develop nicely now.

Good luck, OohF! I know you've been planning this out for quite some time. You responsible girl, you

Hey, not my fault I have control freak genes :lol: Tomorrow I'm getting some live plants for cover and inforsia, and I'll order some MW in a few days.
Heres a pic of the spawn tank ATM, obviously everythings not completely set up yet as I'm only conditioning. Speaking of which, I got bloodworm, brine shrimp and daphnia, all live.
Not yet, no, I bought an aipump today for one (the other one went bust), so that'll be set up in a few days. Theres no point putting it now though.

I see you have liquifry number 1 there. Thatss what i use. Just a tip, don't add the drops straight to the tank, pop them in a cup with a bit of tank water and give it a swirl. If you drop it in the tank it sinks streight down and forms ablob on the tank floor..... :unsure:
Yeah, I thought I'd pick some up as an extra thingy to fall back on if I run out of BBS or something. Thanks for the tip though :)
wierd I've looked everywhere for liquifry and all the fish stores ive been to say they discontinued this true? Where did you both purchase yours...anywhere on the internet I could look?
wierd I've looked everywhere for liquifry and all the fish stores ive been to say they discontinued this true? Where did you both purchase yours...anywhere on the internet I could look?

You could try making infursia (I can't spell that word :angry: ), just boil up something in water, leave it for a while and hey presto, fry food.
I releasedthe female just a while ago, and, well, no one seems to be getting jiggy with it yet. First of all, Pao was all up for it but Saang was more interested in eating invisible food scraps, then she finally got the message and waited under the bubblenest, then he went off, then he started the chasing... I kept moving plants around becasue he kept finding her, then I thought 'tch, naughty' and covered the tank with a big bit of black cloth... I'll check on them when I get back from table tennis, I figure he can't do much damage in 45 mins :dunno:
Well, I've decided to pull them out :/ I know they haven't been in there long, but the bubblenest has all but gone, and both aren't looking in too good a shape :/ She's got a bit of fin damage and is pretty tired looking, she's currently in a 1/2g until I put some water in the 1.5g. I've left the male in there, he was looking tired out too. What to do?
Option1- Condition both again, try try again
Option2- Try another male (I might try Bai, he's got PK genes too)
Option3- Try another female (I've got the one I got from the lfs the other week, she's still quite young, ralatively matching colours, and as for tail type, I don't know, but I should still end up with a fairly good tail type outcome (delta, SD?) and I'm sure you won't mind adopting them.
Option4- Well, you can come up ith option four :dunno:

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