It's only forever; not long at all...
Pair selected are Saang and Pao. Pao wasn't the most popular in the blind date, but I really would like some plakats out of this. I'll get a photo of the spawning setup later. Currently it consists of....
6/7g plastic container
-100% full of water (for now)
-A few java ferns, 2 silk plants and a floating ring of plastic cabomba (bubblenest anchor)
-Pao in the main bit
1g floating in it
-2 fake plants
-Saang in it
I'm letting them see each other while I condition them, Pao hasn't bubblenested yet so I thought he'd like a bit more time to get to grips with it. I'm getting some live bloodworm and brine shrimp tomorrow, dunno what else, to condition them with, but I won't condition for a highly long time, last week they had lots of high protein foods too. Release of female, possibly Friday after I come home from school so I can keep an eye on things. Spawn outcome expected- 75% SD, 25% PK, with white bodies all round (red dragoning on males, I'd imagine) and red parts to tails. But who knows what'll turn out...
6/7g plastic container
-100% full of water (for now)
-A few java ferns, 2 silk plants and a floating ring of plastic cabomba (bubblenest anchor)
-Pao in the main bit
1g floating in it
-2 fake plants
-Saang in it
I'm letting them see each other while I condition them, Pao hasn't bubblenested yet so I thought he'd like a bit more time to get to grips with it. I'm getting some live bloodworm and brine shrimp tomorrow, dunno what else, to condition them with, but I won't condition for a highly long time, last week they had lots of high protein foods too. Release of female, possibly Friday after I come home from school so I can keep an eye on things. Spawn outcome expected- 75% SD, 25% PK, with white bodies all round (red dragoning on males, I'd imagine) and red parts to tails. But who knows what'll turn out...