Angelfish Spawning Diary

I condition with mysis, bloodworms, high quality flake and algae wafers that they eat like piggies when I treat my cories. Plus they have anything they can pick up around the tank including my cory spawns.They just get a variety of foodstuffs. They have yet to spawn again, but it looks like they might be having second thoughts about who their mate is.
silenthawk2x3 said:
I condition with mysis, bloodworms, high quality flake and algae wafers that they eat like piggies when I treat my cories. Plus they have anything they can pick up around the tank including my cory spawns.They just get a variety of foodstuffs. They have yet to spawn again, but it looks like they might be having second thoughts about who their mate is.
Mine have Cory spawn too, and Cherry Barb spawn aha :D They follow them around eating them as they go.
My angelfish (only confirmed female) decided that she need a new man and has taken to one of my marble/black males (didn't know he was a male, but oh well.) Those stupid, idiot bums spawned on the shaft of my filter intake! There's no way I can remove it even if I wanted to hatch the eggs, (which I would as it would be a wonderful paycheck) but also if those louts don't eat the eggs as soon as they become free swimming they'll get sucked into the filter. Woe is me this day. :C
Any tips for moving the eggs to a fry tank before they hatch?! Mine keep going all fungus-y.  I can't wait til the free swimming stage or even the "wiggler" stage bc they're eaten before then. 
Do you sell yours to your LFS or online? I would like to make a little extra fish money :hey: 
Well I just had another spawn, this time on an Amazon sword leaf! SUCCESS! I clipped the leaf off and moved the eggs in a pitcher full of tank water to a tank that was 1 / 2 water from the well and 1 / 2 water from the tank. Being only a two (or so) gallon "betta" tank was on hand I moved them to there with three drops of methylene blue to combat fungus. I weighted the leaf with a smooth aquarium stone that I had and used a bag clip to attach the stem to the edge of the tank and keep it from moving around. I have a weak bubbler going over the eggs and have a good looking bunch! :D And the owner of the LFS that I work at absolutely beamed when I said my angels were spawning the first time. I know she wants them.
Congrats!!! That's very exciting! I just can't seem to get the angel eggs to 1.) survive 2 days without mum eating them and 2) survive on their own without getting fungus covered in the 10g and eaten by sneaky snails.  I think I need to move them first to a little hatchery box and use a de-fungus med. Then once free swimming move to the 10g. Sheesh....
silenthawk2x3 said:
Well I just had another spawn, this time on an Amazon sword leaf! SUCCESS! I clipped the leaf off and moved the eggs in a pitcher full of tank water to a tank that was 1 / 2 water from the well and 1 / 2 water from the tank. Being only a two (or so) gallon "betta" tank was on hand I moved them to there with three drops of methylene blue to combat fungus. I weighted the leaf with a smooth aquarium stone that I had and used a bag clip to attach the stem to the edge of the tank and keep it from moving around. I have a weak bubbler going over the eggs and have a good looking bunch!
And the owner of the LFS that I work at absolutely beamed when I said my angels were spawning the first time. I know she wants them.
Congrats :)
Babies hatched today after I moved them to a ten gallon last night. The move didn't hurt them any and they've all been turkey basted into some hornwort to float until they're free swimming. :) It's so darn exciting! And thanks. :D
silenthawk2x3 said:
Babies hatched today after I moved them to a ten gallon last night. The move didn't hurt them any and they've all been turkey basted into some hornwort to float until they're free swimming.
It's so darn exciting! And thanks.
YOU WANT ME TO TAKE PICTURES?! I can try, but they are the tiniest babies I have seen other than CRS. Mostly I'll just show you my set up, eh?
silenthawk2x3 said:
YOU WANT ME TO TAKE PICTURES?! I can try, but they are the tiniest babies I have seen other than CRS. Mostly I'll just show you my set up, eh?
Yes please. :)
Thank you! I try. They're a quite a bit bigger (and easier to see) this morning. I have a lot more than I initially thought. I believe some of them are moving themselves around a bit because there are suddenly babies where there weren't any before.

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