Spawn But No Eggs Or Are They Just So Tiny My Eyes Can't See Em?


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2005
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Ok, due to my females tank being broken into pieces by an evil kitten we had no choice but to put her into a tank with a male a few days ago. The male and her actually get along great, no nipping, no agressiveness, they act great with each other. Ever since she went in days ago she got verticle stripes on her body but would turn him down everytime he tried to make a move.

Well today I walk in my room and see them under the bubble nest wrapped up into each other like a soft taco wrap. wth. She floats to the top into the nest like shes dead for 10 seconds then wakes up and swims around, he acts like he's taking care of stuff in the bubble nest but I never saw eggs come out of her..

That all happened 30 minutes ago, ever since then they've spawned 3 more times repeating it all.. Does she not have eggs or do I just not see them? He keeps going up to the nest and doing something quickly to it and she won't move out from under the nest either. They're both taking care of it but I don't see anything in it..
they are probably so small you cant see them, i cant imagine the fish doing stuff to nothing y'know!?
when they are done you need to take the female out asap as the male will start to protect the eggs and might kill the female.. then when the fry are free swimming remove the male (in about 3 days i think?) or he will eat them :)
they are probably so small you cant see them, i cant imagine the fish doing stuff to nothing y'know!?
when they are done you need to take the female out asap as the male will start to protect the eggs and might kill the female.. then when the fry are free swimming remove the male (in about 3 days i think?) or he will eat them :)

I'm trying to take her out but she won't come out from under the nest and I don't wanna destroy it. Also.. is it ok that they keep mating? They just did it AGAIN. Horny little bettas.

OO they just did it AGAIN
This time I saw a few eggs come out for sure!
:hey: :hey:
wait till they are done!!! :D they can take up to 2-3 hours to spawn they do it over and over.. they wil wrap up then the male will put all the eggs in the nest while the female rests (what you saw her doing, floating on top) then all over again!
wait untill you are SURE they are done :)
well they just did it forl ike th e8th time in an hour.. I gotta go to work and won't have a break for 3-4 hours to come home and check on em ><

This is so exciting
I have spawned betta's, but never really manage to determine from appearance whether their are eggs of not. Sounds like you have eggs. Let em finnish and move her out.
I just got home from work. The male is just swimming right under the nest and the female is across the tank by the heater. I'm gonna take her out of it right now, I don't have another tank for her right now so she'll have to stay in a cup until mourning when stores open.

Yea a cup is small but its probably better shes in there until mourning then inside the tank with the male and eggs, I guess.
I'm reading betta sites and triyng to figure out, now that I have eggs, is there a good chance that atleast some will hatch or a better chance they don't even hatch?
I'm reading betta sites and triyng to figure out, now that I have eggs, is there a good chance that atleast some will hatch or a better chance they don't even hatch?

They'll hatch if they've been fertilized. But the babies will die if you haven't the right food for them, or a big enough tank.
heres 2 quick pics from today

ah, he keeps swiming up under his nest and sticking his mouth in it like he's sucking stuff in and spitting it back out into the nest or something like that, is this normal?
He is probably picking up egss that fall and putting them back in the nest.

CONGRATULATIONS... your a DADDY!!! Well he is anyway.

Okay, I am guessing you don't have any fry food.

First read wuv's Breeding Guide in the sticky on this board. For food... well if you don't have anything better... get a hard boiled egg, break a small portion (pellet sized) on the top of the water. Squeeze it with two of your fingers so all that is released into the tank is dust. Not the best option, but the Thai's raise their fry this way...
No, I don't think he/she did, but thats very exciting indeed!

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