spawn 4


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
hey just been a little busy so didnt have much time to update. well wanted u guys to kno i had my 4th spawn a week ago. the father was a red plakat HM geno from a local breeder and the mother was a red camobodian plakat female from wuv. the fry are a couple days old and im feeding tehm micros and soon adding bbs into the feeding schedule. i'll post pics when they are noticeable lol and keep u guys updated ^^
True :whistle: :p and because I've heard cambo and red solid is one of the best combinations possible for the truest red result :thumbs: Should be good,can't wait to see them.
They sound like they're going to be just gorgeous. Definitely give us pictures when you get some. :)
ok just for an update i finally got the digicam but my sibling dropped it and broke it.... :/

but the fry are about this big... ---- they have dorsal and anal fins too but still no color
Awww.... No surprise on the lack of color, though. That's still pretty little. :)
ok its week 5and most fry are in this size range -------
i thinks that normal...well hopefully

digi is still broken so no pics sorry
ok my plakat fry are about 6 weeks old and i thought i should start getting homes lined up to get some fry before i have to give them to my lps. so most of them will probably be fry or $5.00. right now i would be guessing there are maybe 40 fry but i dun think al will be making it the the culling process. but im ready to take orders ^_^ thanks
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and u can talk to me on aim-banhbao820
oh send me an email at [email protected]
umm yea i have a question its almost 6 weeks and i wanted to start feeding ABS but they look kinda too big for my fry lolsame with BW
You'd be surprised at the size of food they can swallow. ABS go down quite easily, so it should be ok. Put a small piece of bw's in a ziploc baggie,let it sit for a few minutes, then run the dull edge of a knife over it repeatedly to slice them smaller. Just watch to make sure no one chokes, and if one does,by chance....pull it out for them.
Once they start eating meaty food like that,there is no turning back to small stuff. They'll grow so quickly.

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