Sparkling gourami...

Can sparkling gouramis be added with blue gouramis? I don't think they'd be safe in there but I figured I'd ask.
Can sparkling gouramis be added with blue gouramis? I don't think they'd be safe in there but I figured I'd ask.

How many blues (I assume you mean the three-spot color morph - trichogaster trichopterus), what sexes and what size tank? It's quite a risky thing to try but could work in a larger, heavily-planted tank - and if you are careful with their other tankmates and ins electing the number/sexes of the blues.

[/QUOTE]well my tanks are both fully-stocked 10s; I was just wondering though just how territorial/aggressive a dwarf would be to other gouramis.
Well dwarfs are more aggressive towards their own species than with other gouramies but other gouramies tend to be aggressive towards them. Honeys tend to dislike competition for territory from any other species and would be quite aggressive to the dwarf but, at the same time, the dwarf is larger than the honey and would probably end up being the dominant one. Also, dwarfs are more aggressive towards other colsia species - such as the honey - than to gouramies from other genus - eg: pearls. Then there's the fact that dwarfs are more obviously negatively affected by stress than honeys so the stress from having to deal with being crowded in a small tank would be most damaging to it while the honey(s) would probably survive. On the other hand, having a trio of honeys would distract the male honey somewhat - the females wouldn't be an issue anyway - while at the same time crowding the tank more. Basicaly, putting both these species in a 10 gallon is not a good idea. :)
LOL... what an explanation! Thank you for that... most folks would just say, "nope wouldn't work. They don't like each other." You really know your gouramis, don't you? Don't worry... I wasn't thinking of doing that personally. Just a thought I had. Thanks, again, though!! :thumbs:
The tank is a 20 gl. and not planted yet but will be this weekend. There is 1 gold gourami, 1 blue, and 1 pearl all around 5inches, all boys and they get a long great. There's also an albino rainbow shark in there which is more peaceful than other rainbow sharks and doesn't bother anyone. I don't think I can fit many more big fish without over crowding but I thought sparkling gouramis may work because of their small size.

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