Spare Tank..what To Do With It...


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hull, East Yorkshire
I am soon going to have a spare 105l (ish) tank as my main tank has now been repaired.

I already have 2 communities, one with Tiger Barbs and Black Widows, the other with a variety of tropicals inc Mollies, Odessa Barbs, Large tetras, Loaches etc. Ive had loads of ideas as has my other half, they just dont seem to be all that good. My question is...what would you put in the new tank?is about 3.5ft long.....
1 bolivian ram
1 male dwarf gourami
2 dojo loaches
3 african dwarf frogs
12 tetras
6 corys
and about 10 shrimp

that would be awesome.
i have a spare 3 foot tank and am going to try and turn it into an amazon biotope (ish) and add green and gold stripe corys and a nice number of black neons and maybe a small plec, add indian almond leaves to stain the water and get it really dark and moody and add a low wattage light. cant wait till its done with these fish it should look like a neon light show when they catch any light :good: not everyones cup of tea but ill have it done next week as im off work.................
What are the dimensions for the tank? 105L is 27 gallons, which means it must not be very tall if it's 3 1/2 feet long.

Apistogramma tank
Shell-dweller tank
Cryptocornye (or other short plants) riparium with shrimp
Hello Hello!

My Late night befudled brain wasnt working as it should! Ive got the dimensions - my mistake Aphotic Phoenix, its 3ft long..

36 In Long
15 In High
12 In Wide

Bringing it to a 106l / 23 Imp Gal / 28 US Gal

Some good suggestions so far, but unfortunately AmberLeaf, Im not a fan of Bettas! (Dont hurt me!!). Liked Mr Nice Guys stock list, although ive alteady got a male dwarf gourami, an african frog, about 15 tetras and 12 corys!!! MattLee, talk to me about the biotope - what does it involve? Am gonna google it!! And finally back to Aphotic Phoenix, I am liking the Apisto idea...Ive been wanting cichlids for a while, so these smaller ones might be a fab idea - only issue might be, ive only seen my lfs stock one type - although im sure I could get them to order some more in.....

Any other ideas spring to mind?
If I were to go with new worlds, what dwarf new worlds are there other than apistos that can be kept in a community?
1 bolivian ram
1 male dwarf gourami
2 dojo loaches
3 african dwarf frogs
12 tetras
6 corys
and about 10 shrimp

that would be awesome.

Liked Mr Nice Guys stock list, although ive alteady got a male dwarf gourami, an african frog, about 15 tetras and 12 corys!!!

Any other ideas spring to mind?

how bout this?

2 angelfish
1 ram
1 paradise fish
6 rainbowfish
2 dojo loaches
and 10 shrimp (the shrimp might get eaten but its worth the risk because theyre insanely cheap)

the angels and ram are cichlids too if thats what you're lookin for. :thumbs:
Other dwarf cichlids that could fit in your tank:

Cleithracara maronii - Keyhole Cichlid (1 pair max as these can get larger than all the others)
Mikrogeophagus altispinosus - Bolivian Ram
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi - German Ram
Nannacara anomala - Golden Dwarf Cichlid
Laetacara curviceps - Dwarf Flag Cichlid
Laetacara dorsinger - Red Flag Cichlid

The first four are relatively common, but I've had no luck ever finding the Laetacara species. There are quite a few Apisto species out there, but yes you may have to special order them. Note that some are better kept in pairs, while others are "harem" breeders.

As for MrNiceGuys suggestion of angels...that tank isn't really quite high enough for full grown angels.
I'm not sure how old this topic is because I searched "riparium" and I looked at this topic so sorry if it has been weeks since anyone has posted.But I suggest dwarf crested cockatoo chichlid the males are absouloutly beautiful.
hi tory, sorry didnt get back sooner been busy with cory fry.... basically a biotope is a tank that resembles as natural habitat for the fish as possible. so only fish from the same region that would meet in the wild and substrate, plants etc from the same region in the wild. my cory tank is now set up and is basically sand bogwood, mopani wood and really darkly stained water. its not 100% amazon biotope but as close as i could get using lfs stuff..... my corys have bred in it anyway so cant be too bad a job!!!! :lol: people really research the natural environment of an area and try to get it exactly the same and only add fish that live there. all my coys are from peru and would meet in the wild. :good:
Yeah, this thread is a bit old, but if the OP is still taking suggestions...

I would either go with a planted amazon biotope: 6 corys
10 neon or cardinal tetras
2 bolivian rams (not actually from
the amazon river, but one of its tributaries)
Amazon sword plants
valisnaria etc

or do a planted brackish tank: 1 dwarf puffer
5 knight or bumble bee gobies

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