South American Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
i've got a smallish aquarium and was thinking about getting a few shrimp to add to it. Its an amazonian biotype tank which i've set up and i can't find any south american shrimp that i could stock it with.

I've only come accross one type of shrimp from south america, American freshwater glass shrimp. which is apparently very rare.

are there any shrimp that would it nicely in my tank?

20G tall, panted, heated tropical tank, 7neons, 2 blue rams, 1angelfish and 3panda corys to come.

needs to be from south america
pH 6.5-7.0
temp 80F
hardness 2degrees
with bogwood
fine gravel ~1mm diameter.
There is a type of ghost shrimp that comes from South America as i recall, but even regular old ghost shrimp are rare here :/ .

If you change your mind about the shrimp having to be South American, most shrimp would suit your tank well provided they have hiding places so they wont get eaten by the angel :) .

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