South American Shoals


Aug 21, 2010
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I'm setting up a 90L (23 US Gallon) tank with a South American theme, and was wandering what, in your experience, would a good shoaling fish to add. I want something that is colourful, quite active, and importantly, that sticks together in a really tight shoal...

Thanks in advance,

i dont know how i missed the green neons on the characins page...they really do look awesome - would they be ok with smaller cichlids and a BN?

and typically, i like the rummy nose too...why is this never easy?!
i dont know how i missed the green neons on the characins page...they really do look awesome - would they be ok with smaller cichlids and a BN?

and typically, i like the rummy nose too...why is this never easy?!
Mine are in with angels,all doing fine,little beggars are too fast to be caught :p
I agree with PDSimon there is nothing better than some good old Rummys. Also Cardinal Tetras and Espe's Rasbora are great
About the tight school. While most tetras are schooling fish, some keepers have found that if you fill a tank with schooling fish and nothing else, they don't school because schooling is a natural defense against predators. If there is nothing to defend against, then they won't school. If you want to see them stay tight together you are going to have to provide a fish that will keep them in a school.
@drobbyb - the rest of the community will be made up of a BN Plec, pair/trio of SA Dwarf Cichlids, and some hatchet they wont be on their own in there, but then again nothing too predatory...hopefully the mix will encourage them to stick as a shoal though.

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