South American Puffers. Need Snails.......


New Member
May 17, 2009
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Hi all,

I am new to this forum and just have a question regarding my newly aquired South American Puffers. I was sold some smaller mystery snails at the LFS, however, they are still too big for these guys. So what types of snails should I be looking for? And where to I find them? Can I buy them online and have them shipped? I went to some of the larger chain stores and they will pull the little tiny ones out of their tanks but it worries me because of the fish conditions in these type stores. Any suggestions?

Thank you!
Update: I just ordered some Ramshorn snails on eBay. 75 for 9.99 plus $10 for shipping. If these are fine, then I will just keep them in a little 10 gallon I have and hopefully they will continure to multiply. :)
just stick about 20 of them in a small tub with some food source you will soon have egg jelly all over the place, just leave those 20 in there permenantly and you will soon have plenty.
are you in america?

if not i have a lot of very small pond snails that i would be willing to give to you
are you in america?

if not i have a lot of very small pond snails that i would be willing to give to you

Hi, i am in the uk and am currently setting up a puffer tank (it is nearly cycled finally). At first it was going to have some ottos in but after a re-think its going to have 5-6 dwarf puffers. I was just wondering if I could be cheeky and ask about the snails you offered. How would transport work for them?
Thank you for your posts! Yes, I am in America so a bit far from England. Thank you for your offer though. I will take the advice of keeping 20 in a tub to keep them well fed in the future.

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