South American Puffer Tank - Possibly


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Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
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East Yorks
Right so as a few might know Ive been thinking about a SAP tank for a few months now and my partner has kind of said okay as well. So the situation Im in now is when the next Fluval 190 liter corner tank comes up in decent driving distance for sale second hand I should be getting it. So now Im looking for the tank I want to work out how and if it will work :)

First question - how may puffers in 190 liters, I am thinking 4 but not sure?

Next question - tank mates - any suggestions, I know fast and/or robust but anyone got suggestion of species. In my main tank if I go ahead with this I am thinking of moving a few fish over namely 3x Male Honduran Red Points and/or 2x L135 - Wormline Pecktolita. I think the plecs will be okay but the HRPs not sure of what do you think? Other tank mates I was thinking of maybe pencil fish or something like bleeding heart tetras - mainly because of their reputation of being fast and uncatchable. But open to any ideas preferably just american fish no particular reason I just prefer them though I know the HRP are wrong for a biotope would like to try to keep it quite close.

Last question - Decor wise I have lots of bog wood not being used at the moment so will be able to make it quite full quite quick its a mix of driftwood and redmoore, the spindly stuff.

Thanks Wills
First question - how may puffers in 190 liters, I am thinking 4 but not sure?
Yes, that should be fine. You could easily have more than that, depending on how many other tankmates you wanted. SAPs are non-territorial, so the only limit is aquarium size.

I am thinking of moving a few fish over namely 3x Male Honduran Red Points and/or 2x L135 - Wormline Pecktolita
Peckoltia and other plecs are fine, if occasionally nipped if they can't hide away easily. Cichlids a mixed bag; they may be nipped, but aggressive cichlids will harass the SAPs, so choose wisely. I've found things like Pelvicachromis work about right. Not tried Amatitlania, though my gut reaction is that these would be too aggressive.

Other tank mates I was thinking of maybe pencil fish or something like bleeding heart tetras
Pencilfish no, bleeding hearts yes.

Last question - Decor wise I have lots of bog wood not being used at the moment so will be able to make it quite full quite quick its a mix of driftwood and redmoore, the spindly stuff.
Fine. SAPs couldn't care less about decoration. All they want is open swimming space and some sort of overhead shade, e.g., floating plants or plants with tall leaves. At night they rest in corners of the tank, but not necessarily underneath roots or in caves.

Cheers, Neale
Cool thanks neale :)

If I was to do something like 12 bleeding hearts (would flame tetras work?) and 2 L135 how many puffers would be okay in there? 5?

Thanks Wills
Should be fine. Flame tetras wouldn't be nearly as good as the bigger, more phlegmatic bleeding hearts.

Cheers, Neale

If I was to do something like 12 bleeding hearts (would flame tetras work?) and 2 L135 how many puffers would be okay in there? 5?
Best of luck with these and pictures when you do (pretty please!) These have always been a puff I have considered many times (and asked Neale lots of questions on - sorry!) and would love to see some pics and vids of yours if go down this route.

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