South American Community?

You keep a convict with a ram? I thought my con and my ram got along pretty well, too, but when I moved my ram to his own tank I saw that a ton of his scales had been "removed" by the convict. It was really sad...he's such a beautiful fish, and I hate to see that he was being chewed on when I thought he was fine. The convict is an EVIL SOB. He kills everything.

Anyways, do you like blood parrots? I have the feeling they'd be fine with firemouths.
My Con and Ram kind of avoid eachother. At first, when they were both the same size they fought for territory, but I arranged the tank so they don't see eachother xcept for feeding time. My Con basically only bullies my smallest firemouth.

I love my Blood Parrots, they are very entertaining! They are themost happy-go-lucky fish in my tank, they never's like they live in their own little world. :rolleyes: :)
Get a geo and see how much gravel they pick up :lol: When mne isn't eating his pellets or whatcing me, he kicks my rainbow cichlid out of his area and sifts the gravel for hours. I've never had any of my cichlids actually digging :dunno: Unless I'm just not there to see it :shifty:

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