Sorry, Silly Question I Know!

I can tell if the water lacks oxygen or not!

Can I ask how YOU know when the water lacks oxygen, as water at least around here looks exactly the same well oxygenated or not :shifty:
I guess you dont test your water for ph, nitrates, nitrites, or ammoina, as high levels of nitrates, nitrites, and ammoina can also cause cories to do this.

But yes it is a natural process for cories to dart to the surface, albinos seem to do it more intensely than any other cories I have kept, and read about. They seem to be crazy little fish, they must lose some brains cells along with the pigment :hyper:

albinos seem to do it more intensely than any other cories I have kept, and read about. They seem to be crazy little fish, they must lose some brains cells along with the pigment :hyper:

:rofl: :rofl: :hyper: I don't know why, but this is funny :lol:

The only albinos I have are the lf albinos peppers. They never dart or even leisurely go to the surface. :p

O well, sigh.
Yes Studz I do check my tank for PH, nitrites, nitrates and anmonia! everything is fine thank you, the tank is a mature tank for over 12 months! The other week when I had done my mantainence I put my filter back in the water far too low and I had no surface movement (unfortunately didn't notice at the time) The next day all the fish were gasping at the top. This is the only reason that I said 'I can tell if the water lacks oxygen or not' and if you noticed I apologised to jollysue for sounding rude! As soon as I moved the filter to create movement the fish were fine soon after.

Anyway I hope my answer doesn't sound rude to you cos I don't mean it that way but you sounded quite rude saying that 'I guess you don't test your water.....etc'
...erm... you didnt see the sarcaism in my post at all then :(

and jumping at people isnt anyway to reply :crazy:
OK, sorry Mr Studz, I did miss your sarcasm in your reply and I apologise again if you think I was 'jumping' at you, I wasn't honestly! :no: Just had a good and bad day if you read about my guppy babies on tropical chat, some pet store owners p**s me off. :grr:
Jollysue, haven't decided on my new pump yet, will get it tomorrow, think I'll go for a rena, they seem to have some good reviews. Then my water will be well oxgenated studz! :lol: and I bet you that burt will still do his mad dash! :look: Thanks again everybody!!! :good:
Well! We want a picture of Burt, so we can see for sure that he is well cared for! :p :D

Don't let us get to you. It is best in the long run just to figure that we are all overly anal retentive and feel obliged to cross examine one and all, regardless. :hyper: :shifty:
who says we cross examine everyone, where did you get this information? where!! where!!!! damnit!! where!!!

Rena are great pumps, I have some where in the region of 5, all different sizes, and pretty quiet.

I have a big pump for my 120gal, and I built a sound proof box for it, /me has some talent :fun:

I want to see this burt too... I love pics, but dont make them great pics as my pics always suck :-(

Hee! Hee! You lot on this site are a nutty bunch! (I mean that in the nicest way of course) I will try and get a pic of Burt and his sidekick Ernie but don't worry studz my pics always suck too! Oh an glad you endorse rena pumps cos I've had a look on your member site and you sure have a lot of tanks and some great fish! One thing puzzles me though, why have you built a sound proof box for one of you pumps, I thought they were ultra quiet? I really need a very quiet pump for my living room tank.
Image003.jpg pic of Burt and Ernie, Burt is the bigger one on the left, he's about 12 months old and Ernie about 6 months old. As you can see studz my pics do suck, sorry. The other pic is of Burt on his own.


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Hee! Hee! You lot on this site are a nutty bunch! (I mean that in the nicest way of course) I will try and get a pic of Burt and his sidekick Ernie but don't worry studz my pics always suck too! Oh an glad you endorse rena pumps cos I've had a look on your member site and you sure have a lot of tanks and some great fish! One thing puzzles me though, why have you built a sound proof box for one of you pumps, I thought they were ultra quiet? I really need a very quiet pump for my living room tank.

lol the box if for a BIG cheap one I nought when I started out, it pumps great in the 120gal and I bought it for a little 15gallon :)

But I have a rena running in my bed room, its just sat on the floor atm and its fine

nice pics, too
Looks like everyone has the whole cory gulping thing down here :blink:

As for the air pumps, I agree with the Rena. They are very quiet. I use to have 3 tanks in my room before I moved and kept a Rena air pump running on every tank. The only problem with air pumps (nothing to do with a Rena) is the vibrating. They will make a lot of nosie if they arent positioned right, vibrating the lid and light strip.
Thanks again everyone. Think we're just about done with this gulping thread! lol Anway, I've only heard good things about rena pumps so I think I'll defo get one tomorrow to replace my noisy interpet. :good:
Thanks again everyone. Think we're just about done with this gulping thread! lol Anway, I've only heard good things about rena pumps so I think I'll defo get one tomorrow to replace my noisy interpet. :good:

interpet do great meds but thats about it :hyper:

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