Sorry, Silly Question I Know!


Jan 5, 2006
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Cheshire England
Hi, I've got 2 albino cories and 2 peppered cories and we were watching them last night when my son asked 'why do they keep charging up to the surface for a gulp of air?' and do you know? I couldn't answer him!! :blush: Why do they do this? My albinos especially really make a mad dash for the surface every few minutes!
I thought they swallowed it in order to respirate and absorb the oxygen (through the organ in the stomach) as they have adapted for low oxygenated waters.

Gasping for air at the surface is an adaption in fish to low oxygen in water. The technical term is gut aerial respiration.
Cories are a river fish and do best in highly oxygenated waters. If your Cories are darty madly for the surface frequently to gulp air, then do more frequent water changes and add an airstone or a power head to increase the oxygenation. This is the Canary in the cave warning that something is not right, whether it is a Tetra hanging near the surface or a Cory darting often.
lol this is not that odd. they use air to keep their level in the water, it help with their digestion and they do absorb some air whilst the surface. lol corys are one of the few fish that "fart" (bubbles out the bum). but as jollysue says too many trips will indicate low O2. but my guess is it just normal. My pecos do it, guramis too, though that is a natural part of their breathing system.
My pecos do it, guramis too, though that is a natural part of their breathing system.

I assume you mean plecos and if so, where does it say it's a natural part of their breathing system. Mine don't do it.
I think he is referring to the Anabantiods such as Gouramis and Bettas and not to thye Plecs. I believe it is the puntuation that left the reference confusing.

Nevertheless, the labyrinth organ in Anabantoids has nothing to do with what the Cory is doing, and he has nothing resembling a labyrinth as far as I know.
Thanks for your replies. I do have an airstone in place and all my other fish are fine so I know that the tank water is ok. I do my regular water changes. I had fish before many years ago and every cory that i've kept had always taken a gulp of air but never knew why they did this. It seems that the albino cory of mine leaves it till the last minute and thats why he legs it to the surface, its just a characteristic of his cos my other 3 just meander up slowly. None of them stay at the top, just take a gulp and then go about their business. I can tell if the water lacks oxygen or not!

Oops, sorry jollysue didn't mean that last bit to sound quite so rude! :blush: I do appreciate your help and really just wanted to know why cories do this and thanks to you all I now know.
My pecos do it, guramis too, though that is a natural part of their breathing system.

I assume you mean plecos and if so, where does it say it's a natural part of their breathing system. Mine don't do it.

oops sorry no i meant the gurami's

but you say you have never seen your plecos surface, expelling air, and taking in more????????? Humm now that is odd!
Thanks for your replies. I do have an airstone in place and all my other fish are fine so I know that the tank water is ok. I do my regular water changes. I had fish before many years ago and every cory that i've kept had always taken a gulp of air but never knew why they did this. It seems that the albino cory of mine leaves it till the last minute and thats why he legs it to the surface, its just a characteristic of his cos my other 3 just meander up slowly. None of them stay at the top, just take a gulp and then go about their business. I can tell if the water lacks oxygen or not!

Oops, sorry jollysue didn't mean that last bit to sound quite so rude! :blush: I do appreciate your help and really just wanted to know why cories do this and thanks to you all I now know.

No problem. I only meant that some Cories want their water more oxygenated than other fish. If you consider that Cories are a river fish and water turbulence oxygenates water, then it makes sense how they like their water.

It always seems strange to me, because although my Cories all do the Cory dance up and down the glass and water bubbles, they seldom dart to the surface for air. Certain species of Cory are also more sensitive to the aeration.
My pecos do it, guramis too, though that is a natural part of their breathing system.

I assume you mean plecos and if so, where does it say it's a natural part of their breathing system. Mine don't do it.

oops sorry no i meant the gurami's

but you say you have never seen your plecos surface, expelling air, and taking in more????????? Humm now that is odd!
Nope I have never seen my pleco ever come to the top and expel or take in air?? :blink: Sounds wierd to me...

I've asked about the best quiet pump in another part of this forum cos my old pump has gone very NOISY!!!!!! As soon as I get a new one I'll leave it on longer see if it makes any difference to the speed my albino goes to the top. My son mentioned last night that even when he had Burt (the name of said albino) in his tank he used to do the same and he was using a sponge filter and airstone so the water was very aerated. (He was moved to my tank for more room) I think its just the way he is, like some people, leave everything till the last minute then have to dash like crazy!! :lol: Anyway Thanks all!!! :good:
Did you decide on a canister? Oops! sorry I read filter; You meant air pump. :blush:

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