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The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 31, 2022
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
on a similar vein is the following poem....this is more about how long you will live....

“The clock of life is wound but once,​

And no man has the power​

To tell just when the hands will stop​

At late or early hour.​

To lose one's wealth is sad indeed,​

To lose one's health is more,​

To lose one's soul is such a loss​

That no man can restore.​

The present only is our own,​

So live, love, toil with a will,​

Place no faith in "Tomorrow,"​

For the Clock may then be still.”​

― Robert H. Smith
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It's absolutely tragic what we're doing to our home, the very thing we depend on for our existence. I often wonder what aliens would make of us, we've invented some absolutely amazing things but we're destroying our environment.
One difference. Slime mold not only anticipates deleterious changes in its environment, it actually makes plans to mitigate them.
The Earth is not heading toward destruction, humans are moving closer to their destruction/extinction. The Earth could waste us all with a hiccup. Global warming and the process of the magnetic field reversing are natural cycles of the planet, although we are accelerating the warming, it is a natural cycle that, odd as it may seem, tends to precede an ice age.

Even if we went totally mad and went nuclear the Earth would still survive and recover even if we didn't. The Earth's recovery may take thousands of years but it would still recover.
technically the earth is still coming out of an ice age, so global warming is natural... of course we are causing it to warm, faster that it would without us... but if we were all replaced by Buffalo, the planet would still be warming up faster...
We’re the only humans in history that won’t do anything for the collective good because it isn’t cost effective . Heaven forbid that some billionaire won’t get another mega yacht .
I agree and don't at the same time. Was not the feudal system, in wide use through the 1400's, not in essence pretty much the same? You had the 'Lords' that were in control and the 'serfs' that barely survived to support the Lords. Sadly that sounds way to similar to our economy today.
We know what we are doing... But, we don't know what we are doing, does.

I have been following the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" since it's foundation in 1947. ;)

In fact if we where not trying to obscure sunlight and restrict carbon emissions. Plants would be growing a lot faster and bigger. You would be forced to mow your lawn every 3 days. And agriculture should be exploding...

Even NASA admits that large parts of land that where complete desert for centuries are growing green at the moment.

What are we doing ? Oh yeah, Ban cheap energy, ban water, ban fertilizer, ban Co2...

Everything you need to have a flourishing planet, we ban.

Imagine Texas sparse vegetation turning into lush jungles. would it be as hot with thick vegetation ?
I agree and don't at the same time. Was not the feudal system, in wide use through the 1400's, not in essence pretty much the same? You had the 'Lords' that were in control and the 'serfs' that barely survived to support the Lords. Sadly that sounds way to similar to our economy today.
What do we actually need with Lords and Ladies and corporate politicians ? They’re freeloaders sponging off the work of the major part of the population . I’m drifting towards a mindset of anarchy . Anarchy doesn’t mean no rules , it means no rulers . I say return to the days of the city states and take care of our own selves .
If I became a billionaire I wouldn’t buy a mega yacht. I would buy a mega aquarium. Maybe the National Aquarium.😁
But I would not charge admission to members of the TFF.
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