Sorrority Tank...


Fish Crazy
Jun 14, 2008
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New York
i wanna start a sorrority tank. how many female bettas can i keep in a 10gal or 5gal tank?? -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
You could get away with 6-8 in a 10 gallon, but you couldnt do a sorority in a 5.
Like Zafirah said 6-8 would be fine for a 10gal and just make sure you put in lots of plants and hiding places for them :good:
mkay then... is it true that plastic plants will rip bettas fins? -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
That is true for male bettas with long fins.......they are very delicate and are easily ripped. The rule of thumb is if you can run a pair of tights over the plant without them snagging then it will be fine.......this is why it's best to use silk plants :good: Females should be fine with plastic.
yep, if you drag a pair of panty hose over them and it snags it can tear a bettas fins, males are realy more of a prob with it, my female can do with some, i keep a 10 gal with at least 4 females, that way no one fish gets picked on too much, a 5 gal is small and only good for 2 to 3 fish 4 streching it, but you will get a ton of fighting ,, even females can go for the kill!! try to get spawn sisters as them seem to get on the best from my experence, and remember all bettas are different and some just wont stand to have any other fish in their tank, so might be good to have a emergency spot set up if you get females from diff locals and they wont calm down after a day or two.
i feel sry 4 the bettas at my LFS cuz they r kept in those tiny cups! i wanted 2 save some. now, how do u tell male bettas and female bettas apart?? -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
females will have a white dot in between their ventral fins, called the oviposter, some males have these too. Females tend to have shorter ventrals and fins (though males plakats have short fins) females tend to not have a gill beard, which is the membrane that sticks out of the males gills when they flare. :)
i went 2 my sisters friends house w/ my sister the other day, and her friends mom had 3 female bettas in a 10gal. they were so cute! one wuz pinkish red w/ red edging around her fins. one wuz blue i think, and i cant remember the other one.....

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