Sorority Tank

I just did some water changes..and I collected the girl in this big cup I have and placed her next to another tank next to another girl(the girl in the cup was girl #2-pic 2 on the way down petstore girl) and the girl in the tank was girl#3-Triband female..anyhow they were flaring at one another non-stop..I was surprised.. :unsure: So I went about and cleaned the girls tank and refilled it with tretaed water..but I felt bad for her she looked a little me think...if they're flaring at one another through glass like that whats going to happen when I put them together :crazy: Is that normal behavior? I think the petstore girl hurt herself flaring..saw 2 lines on her face..poor baby..its weird though b/c I dont really see her flare like that to the other girl(petstore girl-pic1) whose tank is by her
My two new girls (from kgbettas) flared at the other girls to start with. They mostly ignored her (my green hm girl) thinking she was nuts. The ct girl has flared afew times but she mostly gets ignored if she does. They do settle down real fast. TBH tho I do have a large tank with a good sized community and planty of hiding spots and space. Three of the girls are very buddy buddy together while the others aren't so bothered. :)
Best of luck with them. Once you get them together they will size each other up. Should have more than 2 really (I started with three), pu them into the tank at the same time so it's not territory for any of them. Hopefully that will be enough and they'll all settle within 48 hours. Any signs of real problems (not the odd flare and chase) in that time then seperate them. I find the bigger deal you make of it they get more stressed by you hanging around and are more likely to be snappish. Once they've settled chances are they'll be real friendly.
Sorry if I've repeated stuff or gone on too much. I was being distracted by tv. :rolleyes:
you may have fighting, you may not... i got 5 girls from wuv and they fought A LOT when i first got them, even though they grew up together (silly sisters). then months later i added 3 MUCH smaller girls... :whistle: NO fighting! then a few weeks ago i added 2 more big girls and although they fought a little with each other, nothing major happened with any of the older occupants of the tank!

so, the point of my ramble is that you never know what will happen with the girlies! :p
thanks for the advice guys..ok..I feel so much better..I felt so bad having stressed them out.. :sad: I hope to put them in a roomy 30 gallon tank sometime next week and thus far have 4 next week might have 5-6. And I do plan to introduce them at the same time..and will put lots of plants and a nice big castle and other little places for them :D When I get it set up, I will post pics :) Once again, thanks so much..if it weren't for the great advice I get here, I'd probably worry my head off :lol:
Vertical bars are breeding bars, horizontal ones are stress related... but, vertical bars can also be a display of dominance, which is what I imagine was going on with your girl. She was showing the other ladies that she's boss :flex:
Synirr said:
Vertical bars are breeding bars, horizontal ones are stress related... but, vertical bars can also be a display of dominance,

You have no idea how much that explains, Synirr :lol:

My own girls just will not get along, even in a tank planted so thickly I could hardly even see them! They're divided now, but even so they'll meet at the dividers several times a day to swat tails, flare, and bar up; in fact, I haven't seen one of them without some kind of barring yet :rolleyes:

Odds are, though, in a 30g even the nastiest girls will be able to coexist; with that much space, given lots of cover and escape routes, they'll perobably have the time of their lives (unless, of course, they would all rather fight each other than run *glares at her own little shrews*)
LOl Thanks guys..It seems like 2 of my girls are little bullies waiting to be released..LOL The one with the vertical bars(Tri-band Female) that I named and petshop girl #2-that I named Fran is so its funny to watch she gets so worked up when another girl looks in her direction... :wub: Hope to be getting my 30 gallon any day now..the guy will drop it off..yay! Then off to buy a big castle, big plants and some more little cool toys and hidey spots for the gals :nod:
yea..LOL I'm been in my apt now for a yr. and keep telling myself "hmm..I should paint, no" Meanwhile for the tanks I'm so anxious and I tell my bf.."I need to buy stuff for them" Oh these fishies they capture your heart :*)

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