Sorority Of Bettas


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2012
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Hi I'm just wondering if 17 gallon is enough for maybe 4/5 female bettas

Onto my third tank now:s
I'd say that's plenty of room, but I'd advise to get 6+ females. It spreads any aggression out :)
I think you need a much wider tank. Not unless your 17 gallon tank is a flat shallow pan.
17 gallon is a pretty good size tank for betta. It's about 77 litres or so, which is plenty of room :good:
I have 5 in it and they seem happy and not even fighting for territory I have a male that's in a 5g at mo who can't have any tank mates due to him attacking everything he used to be calm in my 240 but I made a mistake and put rams in and he ended up fighting with the male ram altho he didn't take any damage he hasn't been as calm since so he now enjoys a tank to himself
The general rule of thumb for betta sororities is a minimum of 10 gallons with 2 fish per gallon. So a 17 gallon could house up to 8 females comfortably :)

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