Of course.
Main Tank
240 litres, Unipac sand substrate, heavily planted with Amazon swords, echinodorus, crypts, tigar lotus, java fern, and anubias. Large lump of bogwood and several smaller pieces, slate rock. Two external filters with ceramic media and sponges only addition is phosphate remover and fine filter wool. Other additions easylife Profito fertilizer and easycarbo, food (obviously) Dechlorinated with API Tap Water Conditioner.
Fry Tank
30 litres, Unipac sand substrate (same as main tank) planted with cabomba and anubias, some java moss and a moss ball. Internal filter with sponges. No wood just a couple of small stones holding down the moss ball. Was some leaf litter (oak leaves) now all removed. No additions other than food.
Tetra Prima, New Era catfish pellets, New Era plec pellet, frozen blocks of bloodworm, artemia, tropical mix
Hope that helps