Something Wrong With My Snails Shell?


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
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Arkansas, U.S.
I just bought a mystery snail about a week ago from the local fish store. Its shell is a baby blue color and I have noticed in the last day or so that the blue part seems to be breaking or flaking off, it is only flaking off around one edge and the part of the shell left is a black. It almost looks like natural but it is really rough looking edge between the black new part and the original blue part. I just want to make sure this is normal and nothing is wrong with his shell or my water in my tank. The only camera I have is alittle outdated and the pics are not the best. Heres a pic anyways to kind of help describe what I mean.
What's the PH of your tank? Acidic water is not good for snails, which might be the problem.
The ph is 7.0. I am thinking the shell changing is natural because the entire shell is fine only the very outer layer seems to be coming off. Would this have something to do with the age of the snail? If it is the water would it have this affect in only a week?
It could have something to do with the snails age, but that depends on the water temperature and the age of the snail. Snails live shorter at higher temperatures, but grow and reproduce faster.
What is the snail being kept with?
Do you handle your snail harshly?
The snail is in a tank with gold barbs, black ruby tiger barbs, and cory cats. I do not handle the snail much I just put the bag it was in in the tank to match the temperatures and then picked it up and put it in the tank. The temperature in the tank is high because my dad sets the air conditioning controls at 78*F so the the water stays around 79-80*F range.
Mmmm, the fish woudent attack the shell, but they may be biting his antenna which is why he is holding them under his shell.

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