Something Wrong With Female German Blue Ram?


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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She has a little white thing hanging out of her butt. And she's pretty fat. Sorry i can't get pics. I don't have anything gods to take it with. :p i just got a male and im pretty sure they pared up already. I caught them trying to lay eggs the other day but i accidentally scared them. Please help!
Could be internal parasites but it is normal for first time egg layers to have something up their butt.
Ok. If it is a parasite how could I get rid of it?
There are a lot of internal parasite medications you can get either online or at fish stores, such as Parasite Guard, though you might want to hold off on treating her for a day or two just to see if it could be from laying her eggs. 
Parasites would normally cause long white stringy poos. I think, in this case, it's far more likely you're seeing her breeding tube so, as Doomchibi says, don't rush out and start treating her with anything yet.
If you could get a pic of her, that would help us be surer what's going on with her, but don't upset her too much!
SHE HAS EGGS!!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!! Im so excited!!
Whenever I go near the tank she comes to the front of the tank. All she wants is food. She rather have food than babies.
What should the eggs look like when they're fertilized?
And they're not defending them very well. Half the time they're not even with them.
They eggs will start off clear. If they're not fertilised, they'll go opaque white; if they are, they'll go a pale orange/yellow colour.
It often takes young pairs a few tries to get the hang of being parents.
Oh ok. I don't think they're fertilized but i could be wrong. Thanks! :)

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