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It's just my personal thought and opinion, but I think them fish are ugly! Please don't flame or shout at me as every human has a right to their own opinion, thanks!
Yes. Everyone has their own opinion. Though you should see one in person. They are really beautiful fish when you see them in person. :nod:
personally I find aros strangely attractive even though I dont think they are the prettiest fish in the world.

everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should have a right to express it,no two people will see things in exactly the same why thats why we are individuals ;)
Eek! I know they grow to 140cm, but could never picture it until now.

That is huge.

One of my LFS has 2 at the moment, both babies obvioulsy and clearly marked size wise. They are gorgeous and I really do wish I could manage room for a big enough tank, but I can't.

I always wonder who buys the big fish from my LFS actually. They've got TSN and RTCs in stock, but I've never seen anyone buy them.

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