Something Stuck In Barbs Mouth?


New Member
Nov 1, 2010
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One of my barbs seems to have something stuck in his mouth? Should I try to remove it? Any suggestions?


Does he seem to be able to breath ok, presumably eating is off the cards? If it looks really wedged, then manual removal might be the only option.

If it were mine, I would net it using two nets to keep it quick and simple, and reduce the chance of making him startle and bash his face on something and possibly do more damage/push it down further.

You can handle the fish with a wet cloth/net which will mean you can grip quite securely then. However, I would have a go with a pair of tweezers with the fish netted, but still under the water first. Should give you enough time/space to pull it out. Only remove the fish if it is REALLY jammed, and you cannot do it the other way.

Looking a the pic it should be fairly easy to remove, lots of it sticking out.
I cannot see to well in the pic, does it look a little like cauliflower? if so it could be Lymphosystis, which is a virus.
Thanks Malt - no, he couldn't eat this morning. I have just removed it without removing the fish - it was a maggot or some sort of larvae, 2cm in length. It didn't come out as easily as I'd hoped though, and he hasn't joined the rest of the barbs, he is keeping himself to himself. Hope no damage has been done to him :(
Interesting, did you get a pic of it? Could it be he was just trying to eat it?

Did it look like it was growing out from the mouth, or just wedged in?
I didn't get a pic, no. Which I'm kicking myself about now :)

Could he really eat something that big - it was as long as him?

It was definitely wedged in - at one point this morning, it dislodged and came out (he was being chased by other barbs), but he turned around and swallowed it again - this time it went further in.
He could certainly try!

Fish are not known for being sensible when there is a large bit of perceived food available..

If he actually was trying to eat it, i suspect he is fine...

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