You state that you do this with one hope that someone who cares will buy one? why on earth do this? you are making the stores job easier. I'm gunna be frank now and I really do not care on the response I get from you. Its people like yourself that actually encourage the sales of these bettas that you say are not being looked after, YOU! are the one who is letting the store know that they are selling the bettas. YOU! are the one who is encouraging more bettas to be kept in bad conditions. What you are doing when you go in the shop is the wrong thing to do, full stop!
I'm sorry but this has really got my goats fur fluffing. You can not save the worlds bettas keithp, the little things that you think are helping are sometimes making this betta ina cup situation carry on in the same way you originally dislike.
I cant agree with you too much, here's some things to think about.
1- First off nothing I do will discourage the selling of bettas, so lets get that straight i'm not even trying to ban selling bettas. If a store is willing to care for there bettas then selling them is fine.
2- By putting the sick ones in front, well, if the pet shop does dispose of sick bettas, by putting them in the front they wont have to suffer for long and die in the cup, the workers will see them and dispose of them ASAP or later that day possibly after hours. Second, (and dont deny people do this), some people who do know about proper betta care may see these sick fish and want to buy them and help rehabilitate them, and sometimes, even the sick bettas can be hard to find colors/varieties, and are worth trying to save from a breeders point of view to say the least. I've seen many on here do it, and knowing bettas still will be sold, it wont change the companies profit if you dont buy. If I am by the betta section and people want to buy a betta I tell them that the store does not care for the bettas the right way so they know before even buying (I try to give advice even though I dont work there) I also tell them not to make the mistake of putting them in small bowls, thats a myth they need small bowls. Like I said I TRY to enlighten people, it's up to them what they want to do.
3-Petco here IS loosing money, that's why they are getting newer varieties in to make up for lost profit on sick "simple colored" bettas.
If Petco were to sell male and female bettas in aquariums with compatable fish (and not 2 males or male/female together), then some people may be surprised and start giving bettas bigger tanks to live in when they buy one. But the species of fish bettas are compatable with, and the # of bettas sold, only 10 if that would make it to an aquarium display. It's so stupid how even simple animal care is hard to find in pet stores.
Oh yeah, and by me there is only 1 betta breeder (has there own store), if you order online you still have a risk of your fish dying and paying for S&H doubles or triples the amount of a betta purchase in store, so that I think is why people feel forced to buy from a store. IMO if you know what to look for, you can find a healthy betta anywhere.