Something on my new Aro's tail

I dont see how the stomach could only be as big as they eye with any fish really but especially not the predatory ones, ive seen predatory catfish take down prey over half their own size :blink:
CFC said:
I dont see how the stomach could only be as big as they eye with any fish really but especially not the predatory ones, ive seen predatory catfish take down prey over half their own size :blink:
LOL yeah, My L.Pictus eats tons and my snakehead eats 10 lancefish each meal time and still wants more!!! perhaps it was someone who's fish had dropsy or popeye that said that lol :)
Leiarius pictus are notorius pigs, mine will happily eat 20 whitebait/mussels/cockles or what ever im feeding that night and then still look for more.
yeah same here, what size is yours now?

I noticed last night when feeding, I managed to hand feed it several lancefish and it was so so gentle :)
Mine is a good 18 to 20 inches now having grown around a foot in the last year, needs its own tank really too as its starting to become a little aggressive to other fish in its area of the tank. Hopefully soon it will be getting its own 6x2x2' to share with the arowana.
Thanks for the replies!

I need to get him onto larger froozen food soon cricets and mealworm constantly will get a tad expensive.

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