Something Different For A 10 Gallon Tank

With the Badis, multiple males is iffy, unless it's a sizeable tank, and there's plenty of territory for each male. Because of that, then in a 10gal, a pair or a small harem, but remember that the females aren't as colourful as the male.
With the gobies, pairs is ok, I had 2 pairs in my 34l, before I shifted them to the bigger tank. They like to breed in caves, I used some pvc pipe cut up into short lengths. Never quite had the setup quite right for them to breed, but beautiful fish nonetheless.
If I get it you will get pictures - unfortunately even a free tank isn't cheap and I have a wedding to pay for this year!

I have had a quick read and seems they are relatively easy to breed as well so this may kill two birds with one stone - having an aquascaped tank and a breeding project on the go.

I assume shrimps will be fine with the fish but would any fry survive the shrimps?
Yep, assuming we're talking cherries, crystals and the like, not some grotty macrobrachium species.
Fry should be fine - cherries don't eat their own babies, let alone anyone else's!

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