Something A Bit Different


New Member
Jul 5, 2009
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I had a blue lobster but got rid of it about 3 months ago for eating my snowball pleco

has anybody got any ideas for something similar to the lobster that wont eat all my fish ( it dosent have to be a lobster just somthing thats not a fish )
I had a blue lobster but got rid of it about 3 months ago for eating my snowball pleco

has anybody got any ideas for something similar to the lobster that wont eat all my fish ( it dosent have to be a lobster just somthing thats not a fish )

How about some small frogs or maybe a couple of shrimp?
i have about 25 cherry shrimp and 2 amano shrimp in my tank and they look great and do a great job of keeping everything clean, bonus!!!

you can get several types of shrimp but i think these are the most common that i have.

some places sell freshwater clams, not seen any except on the internet but theyre kinda cool and different :good:

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