Someone Help

Well guys things have calm down in my tank all the fish seem to be happy and r doing just fine with the GT hopefully it stays like that
arvin23 said:
Well guys things have calm down in my tank all the fish seem to be happy and r doing just fine with the GT hopefully it stays like that
It won't stay like that!!
Cichlids are aggressive and territorial by nature which is why (as you are learning) many people have either a single species tank or try to match tank mates based on specific lakes or water courses.
Someone else mentioned it also - That pufferfish will also cause you problems - If you think the GT is aggressive you ain't seen nothing yet!! These things are territorial to the extreme and will attack anything in line of site, hence needing a heavily planted tank, they require different water parameters than the rest of your tank and also don't survive well on flaked food.
PLease follow the advice given in other posts. If you want to keep the GT's - Rehome everything else and do a bit of research into how to keep them. Have a look at other South American Cichlids from Peru and you'll have a rewarding tank.
That is good to hear. Perhaps he just needed some time to find his place. But to be honest I wouldn't let my guard down just yet, because as they get larger they are known get more aggressive.
lol its really not going to stay "calm" if those GT's start to spawn, everything in the tank is going to be dead, apart from maybe the big plec.
Please consider rehoming the fish that arent suitable, the bala shark will get massive, the puffer needs very specific conditions. The GT's are highly aggressive. We arent trying to disuade you from keeping fish, i promise.
Can we get a picture of the tank?
Well Arvin it sounds like you have some pretty strong advice concerning re-homing this Green Terror.
I have been trying to upload a pic but I guess since I'm using my phone it dosnt really let me but I will upload one ASAP
Well guys more dead fish today I just took them to the just now and they took them back and gave me two darf gouramis
5 red eyes tetras OK :)
1 black angel fish OK :)
1 bala shark Too big :(
3 Bolivian rams OK :)
1 spotted cat fish what species? Until further notice I'll give it :(
1 puffer fish brackish agressive :(
1 big Pleco too big if common :(
5 other small tetras what type pics will help :(

The green terrors... Are they still there if so rehome get big and aggressive :(
Sounds like the Green Terrors were swapped for Dwarf Gouramis Tall Tree if I'm reading the post above yours right.
when i read this topic, i laughed, sorry, and to quote arvin23 "Oh god, what a mess" sums it up
green terror gone, good, pufferfish will really need to go gawd ;~; and indeed, depending on the species, the pleco will, most likely a common plec (over a foot in length when adult, often more)
hope this gets sorted with relatively few casualties /:
Ok the pleco is bout 6 in long I do belive is the common one is just the regular brown one that u can buy anywhere
The bala shark is bout 3 in right now
And the other tetras I only have 3 now the GT claim 2 before I was able to take him back and they are black phantom tetras
As for the puffer fish he will be rehome soon
the pleco wil get 14 inches, the bala willl get 12 inches and needs to shaol  so try to get rid of them with the puffer , whats species is the catfish

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