Some Sand Care Questions

I am slow to suggest fish generally, as it is your aquarium and should have fish you are fond of, so I prefer commenting on specific species if I see issues.  The Flame Tetra is an ideal choice, because it is not only very peaceful, but it has a wider range in water parameters.  Much more like the Pristella.
I agree with FarKing on the rummynose; this is a soft water fish.
Thanks guys! I'll probably end up doing the flame tetra then instead of the cardinal. I want the best aquarium I can have. I know they'll look great once settled and such and they'll look good with the rest of them. Thanks for the tips!!!
And one more question, I think it got missed a bit back but that's ok. Are 15 neon tetras and 6 corys ok in a 20 gallon? I was thinking of 10-15 but wasn't sure how many would be ok. This would be when I'm ready to have my 20 gallon back from being the quarantine tank for the 55. Lol.
cowgirluntamed said:
Thanks guys! I'll probably end up doing the flame tetra then instead of the cardinal. I want the best aquarium I can have. I know they'll look great once settled and such and they'll look good with the rest of them. Thanks for the tips!!!
And one more question, I think it got missed a bit back but that's ok. Are 15 neon tetras and 6 corys ok in a 20 gallon? I was thinking of 10-15 but wasn't sure how many would be ok. This would be when I'm ready to have my 20 gallon back from being the quarantine tank for the 55. Lol.
Yes, given the species, this will work.  Neons are sedate as opposed to being active, and corys are...well, corys.  Live plants, floating especially, will be advisable as floating plants are incredible water quality stabilizers.
Plan on getting water sprite/wisteria and some frogbit when I do that tank so covered on the floating plants. :) again thanks for all the help!

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