Some "rescues" Of The Past


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
My Bettas House In New York
I put rescue in quotes because I don't want to get into any arguments with people who only consider a fish a rescue if you get it for free. So here are some of my past "rescues"

Here's corona, as you can see his fins are a bit lacking, lol, I found him in Wal*Mart in a half filled cup so dirty that you couldn't see him at all.



Zander: When I got him he had the worst case of fin rot I'd ever seen, absolutly no tail, and most of his bottom fin was gone, he was also covered in ich.


Toby: When I got toby he had the worst bacterial infection in his head I'd ever seen, his whole head was swollen, his eyes were almost swollen shut, all of his fins literally looked like they were wilting off, after nearly a month of treating him with antibiotics, and steamed towels over his tank he got all better, he now lives with a good friend of mine and is still doing great



Waffle: as you can see he had almost no tail, and a bit of ich, otherwise he was fairly healthy, he now lives with a friend of mine in Idaho




I went into the LFS with the full intention of picking up the Healthiest looking betta that I could find... So I got over to the bettas (and they have them in those discusting things that hang inside the maine tanks that are like an inch wide that they get out of super easy) half of the bettas are in the maine tanks, one was terrorizing the guppies, one was hiding (scared to death) under the filter from the DRAGONFISH, one was in with the females, and there were even 2 in one tank, shredded, gasping and on the verge of death. Then of course in the little containers are all of these poor things that can't even move sad.gif sad.gif So my hopes of getting a healthy betta were shattered (not because there weren't any healthy ones, but because I had to help one of the poor ones in need) so first I inform the guy working that 2 males were in together, he took one out and put it in a container, I told him his guppies would have no tails left, he took that male out, I told him he would end up with either a dead male or some dead females, he said they would be fine angry.gif I told him the dragonfish would probably love a betta sandwhich, he glared at me and walked away angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif So completely pissed off, I look at the bettas, and see one with gorgeous coloring, floating completely vertical, obviously miserable sad.gif I couldn't take them all, he he seemed the worst off, (besides the 2 who had been fighting, but they looked beyond saving, at least I had gotten the guy to seperate them, unsure.gif ) and luckily while I was there someone bought the poor little guy who was in with the dragonfish biggrin.gif So I got the one boy who was swimming vertically. He's now 100% better, and the most personable betta I have ever met!!! wub.gif wub.gif

Aww, well done for "rescuing" all of them.
Here is a pic of my first betta who I "rescued" from a tank full of gourami that kept cornering him and attacking him! Its blurry but you can see how short his tail and fins are! Its growing back nicely now though!

well done jaded12 4 all those resues. today i went into a fish shop and there 2 bettas beating each other up. found 1 dead angel fish (getting eaten) and a silver shark fish ( red tail eating it.).

i would of got a betta but was not allowed.
I love Toby. I saw one like him a few weeks ago and wanted him but couldnt remember which shop :hyper: :hyper:
Wooo....Well Done For Rescuing Them :good: :hyper: They Are All Amazin...Your Fish, Zander, As Nice As It Is..Is The Only Type Of Betta They Sell Over Here In The Uk, Either That Colour Or In Red :angry: Someone Needs To Import 100000000 + Bettas Like Your Ones...And Crowntails!!!! :drool:
Where I live in Newfoundland there is one Pet City and one wal-mart and that is the only places that sell any fish and both carry Betta's. I am very happy to say that i know the manager of Pet City and he properly takes care of his Betta's. They are in baggies but are usually sold very quickly. (Getting 80 or so Betta's in once every two weeks all of them are gone usually by the first week).

Hearing your stories about the sick Betta's that you guys sees makes me very sad but also happy that I live in a place that has a store that treats Betta's right.

Wal-mart treats them like Wal-mart usually does. I refuse to buy from them because if I did i know I would buy a lot and then they would need to replenish their stock. Its a lose lose situation. If I buy their fish are treated badly but I can recuse a few but they will only be replaced by others. If I don't buy they will still be treated badly. I wish they would just stop selling fish or at least get some one caring for them that actually knew what they were doing. When I went there they had some one from the sports department helping me and if I ever had a question the answer would be I don't know. The person didn't even know what fish was what fish! She tried checking some one in and had to guess at what they were. The person could have been charged way more than was necessary along with getting wrong answer on how to care for the fish! :angry:
How inspiring! It's just wonderful to read about how well your rescues are doing Jaded. You're a betta guardian angel!
And Waffle turned out to be so gorgeous!
well since this is a rescue thread and alot of people seemed to like he is about a month - month and a half ago when i got him.

and this is him just a few days ago.

the old picture doesnt have flash, the new one does. he was too flighty when i got him to use the flash.
i got him from wal*mart, not allowed to get anymore bettas as i had shadow and pacific and no more room. i was browsing, bored out of my mind and i saw him, sulking at the bottom of his cup. taking a closer look i saw he had no tail (first pic). i grabbed him and begged my mom, complaining about wal*mart's care of fish. he now shares a tank with a ghost shrimp named abu (the movie aladdin...) and on the other half of it is pacific. he's the biggest eater of a betta i've ever had and a big sweetheart. :wub:
OMG! He was actually being sold at the store in that deplorable condition? The poor guy! I hope he's doing better now. I wonder how long his tail will take to grow back.
Here are my more recent rescues, the other ones were from over a year ago, I don't have any of them anymore, they're either in new homes or have since passed away. But these guys are more recent and all but one of them is still currently in my possesion.

Crispin was found in a vase in walmart with another male (zane) they were tearing eachother to shreds. While he has quite a bit of noticeable fin damage, he seems to have more emotional damage, everything scares him, and if he so much as sees another male betta he starts shaking and hides in his little cave. He's getting better around me though, he'll actually come up and say hello, but if I move to fast or in a funny direction he shoots down into his cave and doesn't come out for hours. (Got him for free) *Please note hes no longer in the divided tank, I took him out immediatly once I saw how he reacted to other males. Now hes in a 1 gallon heated and lighted tank.


This is Zane (bad pic sorry) he was the other betta in the vase with crispin. Besides his tail damage hes healthy and active and is currently living with a friend of mine down the road (got him for free)


This is Splash, he was rescued from a cup so dirty that you couldn't even see him. He had ick which has since been treated and he has deformed pectorals so he swims kind of funny. (Paid in full but told the guy working that if I ever came in again and saw a betta in such condition I wouldn't be so willing to pay)


This is Auron, he had a nasty case of popeye when I got him, and that eye still kind of droops on a weird angle, he's also proven himself to be a severe fin biter, he was just starting to chew in this pics, now he has huge chunks missing in his tail, but i still haven't been able to figure out what triggers it (got him for free)


This is sage, he was rescued from a cup so filled with algae that you couldn't see him. I'm almost positive he has internal parasites. His dorsals a bit deformed and his lower back has an odd hunch to it. He also seems to have a bit of a swim bladder problem as he tends to swim a bit vertical all the time. (Paid half price for "damaged goods" :sick: )

This is Sultan (sully) he has an odd chunk of his body right behind his anal fin missing, looks like is might be body rot :crazy: I'm not sure how much I can do for him, but he's active and happy so far, so we'll just have to see. (Paid full price)

This is Wilma. Wilma was given to me by a breeder who was planning on culling her because she lost an eye in an accident in her growout tank. So I took her in. (free)


And this is Mistletoe (missy) she was found in a cup shoved behind about 20-30 other betta cups at petsmart. She had patches of fungus on her head, and red streaking in her fins, which is an indication of septecemia. She was also rail thin.
splash is gorgeous. there's no healthy bettas around here that look like that :drool: . phaedra - my wal*mart sucks at fishcare. in a goldfish tank, there was a circle of about four dead goldfish with one live one stuck in the middle :sick: :sick: . our wal*mart's gay so i had to pay in full, too. CT price too, not VT.

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