Some Quick Questions About Lighting


New Member
May 7, 2009
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Hey i have just set up my tropical freshwater tank, after its has been sitting in the garage for 3 years. i have bought a new light, in the hope it will make my plants grow better. and it has come with 2 globes , 1 which is a purple colour and one which is more a white - yellow . i was wondering if they are meant to be switched on at different times of the day or not at the same time. any help would be appreciated.

Hey i have just set up my tropical freshwater tank, after its has been sitting in the garage for 3 years. i have bought a new light, in the hope it will make my plants grow better. and it has come with 2 globes , 1 which is a purple colour and one which is more a white - yellow . i was wondering if they are meant to be switched on at different times of the day or not at the same time. any help would be appreciated.


Probably together... but we would need to know the tube type to be sure.
Hey i have just set up my tropical freshwater tank, after its has been sitting in the garage for 3 years. i have bought a new light, in the hope it will make my plants grow better. and it has come with 2 globes , 1 which is a purple colour and one which is more a white - yellow . i was wondering if they are meant to be switched on at different times of the day or not at the same time. any help would be appreciated.


Probably together... but we would need to know the tube type to be sure.

how do i find the tube type?
and one more quick question, i dont know if its my heater playing up, but i have it set on the minimum temp and it seems to boost the water temprature rapidly up from about 21 degrees to 27 degrees . im not sure if it could be the lights heating the water up tho?
Hey i have just set up my tropical freshwater tank, after its has been sitting in the garage for 3 years. i have bought a new light, in the hope it will make my plants grow better. and it has come with 2 globes , 1 which is a purple colour and one which is more a white - yellow . i was wondering if they are meant to be switched on at different times of the day or not at the same time. any help would be appreciated.


Probably together... but we would need to know the tube type to be sure.

how do i find the tube type?

Whats written on it ? :blush:

And what size is your tank ? if its small, then yes the lamps could be heating it.
it is a 75 litre tank which is about 16 gallons and i have 2 x 17w lights for it. i did a test last night . i think it is the heater damn, i left in on all ngiht with no lights on set at 22 degress , i checked temp this morning and it was 27 :angry:

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