Some Questions And Issues


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Jan 29, 2011
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Tank size:125 gallon (6inch x 20 x 18)
pH: 7.5
th hardness: 80 ppm
nitrite:0 are they suppose to be at 0
Alkalinty: was between 0 and 80 ppm
tank temp:80 f

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Angelfish is sitting up at top of water surface, Breathing out of one gill, Red tail wag goes up there sometimes. other fish is orange, i wanna say its a red barb something and he looks fine out of all them and including my rainbow shark. I know i have or had ich, i had 2 bala sharks a dinosaur bichir and much more and they all dies so i had 10 fish down to 3 fish. i failed cause i just started the tank and i put them all in at once. so my filter wasnt caught up with my tank and blah blah blah. So my question is could this have caused the ich. so that might be reason 1 my fish could be stressed and weak. secondly i found out where i bought my fish supposedly had ich which would include the lil bala shark and the rainbow shark (i bought bout not even a week ago. But what dosnt make sense is that my catfish died first out of all them, within the day i put them all in the tank. i put them all in bout hour a piece i know wasnt smart. So my question is where could this ich come from and where does it come from and how does it start? im using medicine to cure ich and my tail root as well. I took the carbon out but still have my bio chem stars in my filter along with my pph foam and stuff just no carbon. I did a water change last night 25% cause i keep seeing this film build up or lil bubbles foaming at the top away from the bubble stones on the other side where my angel fish is chilling. what is this from? ive came accross many websites but havnt gotten a straight answer. what is the bubbles at the top of my tank doing. And my angel fish is like a light gold with black strips that come back and forth when he was normal but are on contently ever since all this stuff happened.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25% change first time since new tank has been running since i ran into problems with ich and tail rot and foamy mouth etc etc

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: all thats running is my foam pads no carbon besides bio chem stars and the super ick cure stuff (1/2 dose) and melafix

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): new rocks new filter new tank. Yes i know i failed but is this what could have cause the "ich" breakout

Exposure to chemicals:none besides the medicines and water changed with water conditioners

Main question: What is causing all the bubbles at the top of my tank. and what could have caused the ich break out. If they have tail rot do they have to have ich?

Digital photo (include if possible): My red wag use to have white stuff on his back but before his back fin.



sorry if it dosnt make sense as its hard to say what is going on. if somthing dosnt make sense please let me know. if the pics dont work out let me know as i will get better ones.
Ich is so widespread that many experts feel that it is present in the environment of most aquariums, especially in larger holding tanks, rearing ponds of breeders, collectors, and wholesalers. In fact, just about every aquarium fish will come into contact with this protozoan at several times in its life. Because it is so widespread, most fish have developed a good immune response against the disease to allow them to fight off the protozoan infection before it ever causes any symptoms. Captive fish that develop ich usually get the disease when their immune systems are not functioning as well as they should be because of stress. We know that stress lowers the immune response and when fish are stressed that is when ich is most prevalent.

There are many causes of stress in a fish's life, many of which can be made worse or better by the owner. Water temperature, water quality, tank inhabitants, improper diet, and a variety of other factors all contribute to stress, but one of the most severe causes of stress occurs during shipping and handling of a new fish. Whether coming from the wild or farm-raised, the handling and shipping of the fish from their origin to a wholesaler, then to a retailer, and finally to your home is extremely stressful. With the widespread prevalence of ich, it is no wonder that many newly purchased fish are affected.

From the Drs. Foster and Smith site.


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