Some Questions About Snails


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tucson!, AZ
i saw the little pea sized ramshorns at a lps and when i bought some plants asked if they could throw some in and they did, well that day i also got a few fish in which there were some very tiny trumpets, my roommate put in what looked like a bladder/tadpole snail or a pond snail (similar shell shape, small thing) since i have had my tank i have seen lots of egg sacks come and go, moved around stuff, like gravel rocks and plants and such and every once in a while i see tiny tiny baby snails.

i have two bettas one male and one female in seperate bowls i put one bigger ramshorn in each of their bowls, one died that day, the other is doing just fine.
i just picked them out with my hand and dropped them in.
is that ok? why did that one die?

i want to get more snails of various types because i really like them but what is the best way to transfer them to the tank? is it not safe for them to pic them out with my hand and drop them in?
You should acclimitize them as you do any other fish..

Ramshorns and trumpet snails might be fine in most tanks, but apple snails aren't as adaptable. They need a higher ph, and calcium added to their water.

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