Some Questions About And Pictures Of My New Fish.


Fish Crazy
Apr 28, 2006
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Well, it's not complete yet as I am waiting for a piece of bogwood to arrive, but I changed my swordtail/molly/platy tank. It now has black sand as the substrate and live plants in the back. I left the fake decoration in there until the bogwood arrives, but then out it goes. :good:


These are the two black molly fish I got yesterday.

This is the male.

This is the female (don't worry I already had four other female mollies, so the ratio is good). The lfs thought she might be pregnant. Is she? Or is she a balloon/potbellied molly? Here are a couple of pics including a couple of back views. Her gravid area is white. I've never seen that before . . . but I've never had a black molly before either. :D They aren't the best photos in the world as they wouldn't hold still, but if anyone can tell if she is a balloon or pregnant, I'd appreciate it.





Now unfortunately, as I was putting sand into the tank, I removed all of my fish and put them in a bowl. I placed this bowl in my bathroom sink. Unfortunately, my male black highfin lyretail swordtail seems to have jumped out of the bowl and went down the drain. I took the drain apart hoping he would be in the ubend or something, but my hubby had washed his hands after removing the bowl from the sink so he was gone. I cried and cried . . . silly to cry over a fish you may think, but he was my absolute favorite! My lfs doesn't usually carry the unusual varieties of swordtails, so my chances of getting another one aren't good (though I did find a company online and am waiting for a quote for shipping charges). :(

So the new tank is bitter sweet for me. It's looking nice, but I lost my favorite fish. :/

Anyone out there have a male black highfin lyretail swordtail for sale? :D And is that black molly pregnant or a balloon molly?
Okay, my molly answered my question as to whether she was pregnant or not. She just dropped fry! :hyper:

I was able to rescue about 20 (I lost count, but when they stop hiding in the fry tank, I'll get an accurate count) or so. I think she's done having them now. She's quite thin. Apparently as I was posting the question about her being pregnant, she was dropping fry! :lol:

So yes she WAS gravid! At least I know what she looks like for next time. ;) I'll try to get some pictures up by tomorrow.
The tank looks awesome, I love the black gravel. And sorry to hear about your molly, but we learn from our mistakes, right? Congrats on the fry, too.
That tank looks so good i am going to buy black sand for one of mine now. sorry about your male molly. Congrats on you new fry. (they grow up so fast). :D

He wasn't a molly, but a swordtail, but thanks guys. :D I've contacted someone online that sells them so I will be getting a pair in a few days. That makes me feel a bit better.

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