Some Questiona About Some Fish

Substrate is the thing that covers the bottom of your tank, like gravel, sand etc. :)
The air pump and filter would be perfectly fine being at opposite sides of the tank.
Ahhh ok só the substrate its like little rocks really little
Sorry to be a pain, but would you be able to get a picture or link us to somewhere that sells you gravel? 
Asking because it may be suitable for some corys :)
Ok ok i will update some photo to show you.

Just saw your other post where I see you now have guppies, taking that into account, I wouldn't put corys in your tank. Partly because of your gravel and partly because your tank is very close to being overstocked.
The only possible cory that could work in your tank would be 6 pygmy corys, but even they would overstock your tank.

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