Some Problems That Need Fixing


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2006
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I have nearly completed my set up but iam having problems with algae at the moment my anubius has dark stuff on its leaves which rubs off , and there is a little bit of hair algae as well . My tank has been running fully planted for about 2 weeks and the system is like this .

* Ph - 6.4
* kh - 3.5
* NO3 - 5
* PO4 - 1
* 2.5wpg
* Co2 - 60 bubbles per minute

plants are

* Hygrophila "roseverg"
* xmas moss
* limnophila aromatica
* 2x anubius barteri
* java moss

the lights are on for 10hrs straight and the co2 the same .

Hope you guys can give me some pointers to get rid of this horrible stuff :crazy:

hmm the only problem i can see is that maybe the plants are not growing fast enought (for the first few weeks) to keep the algae at bay. My anubias, mosses and limnophilia are a bit slow growing compared to other plants :) Im ot sure about the hygropilia, never tried it out.
Thanks for the help ....... would it make things easier if i turned down the lights a little or maybe lowered the ferts ?
that would probably help you plan on ant fast growers(stem plants)?that might also help with outstripping the algaes nutrients and helping to get things settled down a bit..i dont know all those plants but it looks like quite slow growing plants..

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