some pics


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
i just ordered the bulbs for this tank thinking "coral sun would be a good choice lol,and it was ;) it's a perfect choice for a nightlight.i don't know why the pic looks so cloudy,the water is very clear in person.


but if you combine it w/another bulb it looks like this



this tank is nowhere near done i'm still moving stuff around and i plan to add alot more rock soon.any advice opinions are welcome :thumbs:

oh!!btw-i am chaging the background color to like a midnight blue.
KEEP THE BACKGROUND COLOUR!!!! That is a very, very colourful tank Mos, keep it that way!! The midnight blue will dull it down too much. That has to be the most vibrant setup I've seen. Well done!! An excellent centrepiece... B)
Wow Mos! That is a great lookin' tank! I also like the red background, and i think you should keep it. :D :thumbs:
OMG guy's thank you all very much for the compliments,i wasn't sure about the background but since so many of you like it ;) i'll keep it.

i don't know about you guy's but the only friends i have that are truely into the hobby are here,i don't have anyone here that would appreciate these pics so when i get a response like that :*) i kinda get all :-( .

i took some not so great pics of the fish that are in that tank this morning,i'll post them later.

thanks again guy's/gals

Awsome tank Most!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very jealous..... can't wait to see more
the first pic is of my N.nigriventrus
in the second pic are T.brichardi
the third is a female cyprichromis leptosoma"blue flash" and next to her is my gold alto compressiceps.
below that is the male "blue flash"
fith pic lol is a piece of my turqoise rainbow and the last is my shrimp and a C.macrops.
awesome :rolleyes: ooo i :wub: them great pics mostanks :thumbs: :thumbs: more more :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
WOW! I'm gobsmacked m8! (thats english slang for 'cowabunga dude')! :D :p :D :lol: :fun:
:blush: i really shouldn't,i'm sure the mods are ready to start deleting and give me a good talking to :huh: :eek:

ok-you talked me into it(tomorrow) :D

-WARNING-you're talkin to a guy who's life revolves around his fish :lol: :*)

HEY!!gibbo lol i'm glad you like them,thanks


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