Some Pics

Not photoshopped. I have seen the RP ones in person as i saw the ones the guy bought in the shop. They are this colour. Amazing! Need very large tanks though cos the ones he had were huge. The tenticles can easioly whip around and catch an unsuspecting fish.. they have very powerful stings too. Gorgeous though! :wub:
Wow, Chac your camera skills have greatly improved!! :hooray:

Great inhabitants too. :thumbs:

They couldnt get worse than the 1st lot eh

Cheers Wendy

Not photoshopped. I have seen the RP ones in person as i saw the ones the guy bought in the shop. They are this colour. Amazing! Need very large tanks though cos the ones he had were huge. The tenticles can easioly whip around and catch an unsuspecting fish.. they have very powerful stings too. Gorgeous though! :wub:

The pics I have seem of them are brill, I was tempted again at the weekend but managed to leave without one, UDA did have some cracking BTA's but luckily they werent for sale :wub: :wub:

Wow, Chac your camera skills have greatly improved!! :hooray:

Amen to that, did you ditch the crack habit? :lol: Tank looks great

Cheers Ski - I am sure a drug habit would be cheaper than Reefkeeping - saying that so would burning cash everynight :lol:
Just a piccie of my newest addition

:grr: :wub:

Nuff said :lol:

BTW Chac, did you send me some star polyps also? They've finally opened up and are looking lush in the nano :good: Thanks :)

Cheeky Git :D

Havent got a clue what I sent TBH, i ended up just grabbing a handfull of whatever was in the tank

How are the Zoa's looking
How are the Zoa's looking

Lets not talk about zoa's :X :lol: Still looking twiggy but getting finner and finner :( :dunno:
Purple mushies looking good though :thumbs:


You got them near your lightsource as they will do better close by them :good:
Nice fish Chac! :drool:

(Sorry to but in here, but I never had any luck with zoas either Sf. They all just wasted away. Some thought it could have been my Alk. It was very low, and some people recomend/think zoas prefer higher alk levels, maybe you two should compare your water stats ) :good:
Thought I'd bore you lot with some new pics & some new additions
Wow Chac, great pics there, especially of the CB (know how hard they are to get still ;))
I hope you know how difficult Manderins are to keep have you done any reasearch on them

I see you also keep Pipefish as well, again hard to keep fish, why have you bought these :grr:

You can say goodbye to your mushrooms as your Sailfin will munch these :D

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