Some Pics Of My Gibbiceps And Liposarcus Plecos...

Ahhhh you'll be in the same boat as us then, looking for a huge tank to put them in when they grow up? The things we do for our fishies :lol:

/me has his eyes set on a massive 10ft tank he saw in a garden centre late last year, for when he moves out and has room.

but I'm under orders from the GF that furniture comes first? PFT!! has insane is that? we can sit on the floor, but the fish need water :D She wasn't too impressed about the idea of changing the garage into a fish house either... hehe! but if she really loves me she'll let em do it :hyper:
*Drools over thought of 10ft tank*

Hey, I'll be lucky to fit half that in here. We're aiming for a 5ft x 2ft x 2ft. Even that thought has me excited though *lmao*.
I'm gonna get that tank, even if I have to knock a wall down :D its gonna be my second biggest tank, lol.
I want to build a tank, as you may have seen my ideas flying around in the DIY sections :hyper:

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