Some Pics Of My Albino Cory Fry....

ahhh right. i was under the impression that the sac lasted about 4-5 days (or at least i have been feeding them when the sac is visibly gone, which is about 4-5 days)

If it works for you guys then i shall begin feeding them from an earlier stage :)

thanks guys. all part of the learning curve and that :)
I agree with Barracuda518. Four or five days is a long time for corys to wait for food. I have, however made a change in the way I start them, and it seems to having good results. I've been skipping the liqui-fry and adding a little bit of microworms after the first 24 hours or so. They are less likely to foul the water than the microworms and since the micros will remain alive for some time, they will be available whenever the fry are ready for them.

I think providing food for them at the earliest possible time they are ready, goes a long way toward getting them off to a good start in life.

I will try that this time around. I dont like that Liquidfry stuff either. Its way too messy.
spooky.. i also have been under the same impression as you.. as long as their is a yolk sac, they do not need to be fed as they are still relying on the yolk sac as for food. i do not start feeding my cory fry until 3-4 days after hatching, which is when the yolk sac is fully absorbed. and at day 3/4 i give a small amount of microworms followed by freshly hatched bbs the next day or so.

feeding the cory fry before the yolk sac can just foul up the water as the food is not being eaten and cause deaths on the fry.

i have raised probably over 1000 fry or more on this method and not seen a problem with my survival.

currently i have about 200-300 fry from c. habrosus, c. burgessi, s. barbatus , C121 c. axeldori and c. aeneus (green laser) that i am actually raising.

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