Some Pics Of My Albino Cory Fry....


Moved On
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Bradford, West Yorkshire
As some of you may know, i have an awesome bunch of albino breeding corys. They have been in the tank now for 1 week 6 days and since they have been in there, i have nad 9 spawnings !! well, heres some pics of the fry in my hatchery and pics of the eggs i moved this morning :)







Wow Sp00ky. That are so cute. How many do you have :hyper: ? Looks like quite a few. Great to hear you got the albinos to spawn. Have you raised their fry before? I've heard albino's are difficult. I've only bred a bronze and albino before, never just albino. Great pics.

Wow Sp00ky. That are so cute. How many do you have :hyper: ? Looks like quite a few. Great to hear you got the albinos to spawn. Have you raised their fry before? I've heard albino's are difficult. I've only bred a bronze and albino before, never just albino. Great pics.


i really dont know how many there are. having 9 spawns in 13 days i've kinda lost count.

however, the 5 eggs top left on the first pic are from the adolfoi :)
woohoo.. congrats on all the spawns.. especially from the adolfoi. do you have any pics of the parents? and was this the first spawn from them??

i wish you the best of luck with all those fry
woohoo.. congrats on all the spawns.. especially from the adolfoi. do you have any pics of the parents? and was this the first spawn from them??

i wish you the best of luck with all those fry

it wasnt a planned spawn from the adolfoi tbh. they just did it. I thought one of them was ill as SHE (as it turned up) was lodged up the side of the UV sterilizor. and when i disturbed her, i say her loaded with eggs. Think i may have interupted the spawning and they didnt do anymore.

will post some picks of the rents along with the pics of the new corys in a mo. just uploading them to photobucket now ;:)
Congrats on the spawning and good luck with them!

My corys have spawned a few times but i've yet to raise any from egg to fishhood!
Just a quick question about the fry. What are you feeding them after the first 24 hours? and then once they get a little bit bigger.

I feed mine microworms and then try and get them on crushed flake and chopped bloodworms. Seems to work well. Ive heard of people using BBS and was wondering how you did it.
Just a quick question about the fry. What are you feeding them after the first 24 hours? and then once they get a little bit bigger.

I feed mine microworms and then try and get them on crushed flake and chopped bloodworms. Seems to work well. Ive heard of people using BBS and was wondering how you did it.

they dont need feeding until the 4th or 5th day. they feed from the yolk sac until then. i didnt have any MW culture going at the time of the spawns as i wasnt expecting any so soon! so i have, and tbh still am using liquifry for egg bearers and crushed flake. i have aload of decapsulated BS for them when they are bigger and will probably go down the bloodworm roots as well. not tried chopped earthworms yet, but i intend to in the future.
Just a quick question about the fry. What are you feeding them after the first 24 hours? and then once they get a little bit bigger.

I feed mine microworms and then try and get them on crushed flake and chopped bloodworms. Seems to work well. Ive heard of people using BBS and was wondering how you did it.

they dont need feeding until the 4th or 5th day. they feed from the yolk sac until then. i didnt have any MW culture going at the time of the spawns as i wasnt expecting any so soon! so i have, and tbh still am using liquifry for egg bearers and crushed flake. i have aload of decapsulated BS for them when they are bigger and will probably go down the bloodworm roots as well. not tried chopped earthworms yet, but i intend to in the future.

4th or 5th day? I thought the egg sack is usually gone after 24 hours and they need to be fed after that. Then they need something like liquid fry for a day or so and then microworms. Thats why microworms are so good, you can leave them in the water for a while and they wont spoil quickly. Im not sure about waiting 4 days before feeding them :unsure:
4th or 5th day? I thought the egg sack is usually gone after 24 hours and they need to be fed after that. Then they need something like liquid fry for a day or so and then microworms. Thats why microworms are so good, you can leave them in the water for a while and they wont spoil quickly. Im not sure about waiting 4 days before feeding them :unsure:

I agree with Barracuda518. Four or five days is a long time for corys to wait for food. I have, however made a change in the way I start them, and it seems to having good results. I've been skipping the liqui-fry and adding a little bit of microworms after the first 24 hours or so. They are less likely to foul the water than the microworms and since the micros will remain alive for some time, they will be available whenever the fry are ready for them.

I think providing food for them at the earliest possible time they are ready, goes a long way toward getting them off to a good start in life.

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