Some Pics Of My 65Gal


Thanks I like the shark too, surprised my cichlids aren't attacking it.


Well I will be keeping the pleco I think the shark I think is just a temp home until I can either get a tank just for him, or I will rehome him but that's harder then it sounds

Here is my tank as of last night


I still have about 450 lbs of rocks to clean and test so this is not the finished product. I am however really liking the rocks over all the fake plastic stuff that used to sit in the tank.
The fish are going to love those rocks!  It's starting to look like a proper mbuna tank!  :good:
Maybe you could get some silicone or resin and glue the rocks together and then pile them really high?  A wall of rock would look great!
That's a really good idea! I was already wanting to pile them high and make caves and such just didn't know how I could do that withought risking damaging the tank
well i have a rather small update for this tank, a day ago my only bulb burnt out in this tank (its supposed to have 2 )and I was in town today and to my surprise won my court date and had all charges against me dropped. so I had some moneys to play with :D  first thing i got was two new Aqua-glow 42" 40W T8 bulds, i got some more maintenance items, and oh yea i found a practically free food source that i can grow at my house :)
This food source is actually 20x ruby red minnows or just your typical feeder fish. they are a very hardy fish and can adapt very quickly and live in almost any water conditions. we also use these fish here in our ponds for mosquito control. they are extremely easy to breed and even look good in a tank. also these little guys love to eat algae which is a good thing because my 10G was starting to have a black algae issue, but even after 2h of them being in the tank I can tell a great deal of it is gone. they are all currently in my 10G swimming happily with my crayfish, although i do expect some casualties.
after installing the new bulbs my tank looks so much more alive and i can really see just how healthy my tank was so thats a plus.  
sorry if there is a lot of spelling mistakes, i never was a real good typer and i am now using a computer instead of my cell which auto corrected most of my mistakes for me.
That's all good supra, but we need pics mate! :D
Glad you got the new bulbs, feeders and charges dropped.
What were the charges for?
Ask and you shall receive! Oh notice how bright the back wall is? I love it!


And here is the feeder fish. I need new bulbs for this tank too but can never remember what size it takes.


The charges were for me apparently street racing. But they had it all on film and all I did was leave the light faster then the gramma beside me. They also got the cop being power hungry and ramming me onto the hood of his cruiser and arresting me. Needless to say he doesn't have a job anymore.
I see what you mean about the tank: it looks much better now with more light.
Are the plants live?
no that is the last of the plastic thats in my tank. it will be removed as soon as i finish putting more rocks in the tank which i might do some of that tonight.
Here are some pics of my pleco I rescued :) he is really starting to sprout big time and the hump in his back is slowly going away :)


And this is a comparison photo of the log he is perched on!


Well hope you enjoy !

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