Ice Queen
So, today a friend shared this on his facebook news feed. He actually shared the most recent response to it, but I couldn't read that without reading the original blog post, and it's something I strongly agree with and try very hard to live by. The responses to it are really powerful and I've been sat here for the last 90 minutes crying on and off because of the strength of them, so I wanted to share with you guys.
Here's the original blog post.
One week later: a selection of responses.
Two weeks later: some more responses.
Three weeks later: video of responses.
Four weeks later: another response worth sharing.
Men in Uniform respond.
Home at last.
He also did live readings for those who have problems with reading through really long blog posts.
And finally the most recent one, just when he thought it had all died down.
Here's the original blog post.
One week later: a selection of responses.
Two weeks later: some more responses.
Three weeks later: video of responses.
Four weeks later: another response worth sharing.
Men in Uniform respond.
Home at last.
He also did live readings for those who have problems with reading through really long blog posts.
And finally the most recent one, just when he thought it had all died down.