Some Of The Stuff Im Growing

well thoguh tommorow was a flurry of running around spraying hornets and nests today we dissassembled mostof it but it was too dark for an after shot, heres the before though

ok then got more it down yesterday, however its being a very large PITA get down as somebolts simply will not come out and ive hd to resort to jumping a mashing to get more parts off, but i think today is the day!

and im slightly ticked off in the fact that area is covered in a menageriy (sp) of insects that want to hurt me :devil:
Pretty cool you have got all this going.

I haven't grown anything edible for some time actually, the plants I have at the moment I put a lot of care into but the only real thing I could eat is the Lemon tree and Plum tree. However I've only just started my lemon tree, maybe a little late in the season as summer is clearly coming to a close already in the UK!

Our Plum tree produces masses of plums the year before last but nothing at all this year.

My friend has very healthy red grape vines in his garden, I am possibly thinking about trying to grow some of those next summer time.
Pretty cool you have got all this going.

I haven't grown anything edible for some time actually, the plants I have at the moment I put a lot of care into but the only real thing I could eat is the Lemon tree and Plum tree. However I've only just started my lemon tree, maybe a little late in the season as summer is clearly coming to a close already in the UK!

Our Plum tree produces masses of plums the year before last but nothing at all this year.

My friend has very healthy red grape vines in his garden, I am possibly thinking about trying to grow some of those next summer time.

yeah hopefully this weekend ill be allowed to use the chainsaw to cut the living daylights outta the plaything as it isnt coming down no matter how much i jump on it.. wheres mario when you need him :lol: but if it doesnt pour this weekend most likely everything can go into the ground whihc is good as i dont want anyhting to get pot bound lol.

also got some strawberry seeds so we'll see ow these go...

i heard grapes take years for them to be good enough to have grapes, but i guess it could decreasetime if they were bought at a store..
I'm 20, I imagine I will have some years left in me, more than enough to see a grape vine develop!
I'm 20, I imagine I will have some years left in me, more than enough to see a grape vine develop!


well today im taking the thing down but first ill hang a bit on the live chat (link in sig) before heading out as its too hot :p
well, hopefully either this weekend or next this thing is going up whether i like it or not and should get a huge shipment of plants coming septemper 21 ish

also depends on weather we are getting rained out this week :/

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